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  1. I purchased the art of the argument, can I listen to the Audiobook?
  2. Interesting, I do accept that we are responsible for the effects of our actions, but I don't know how this translates into ownership A definition would be helpful. Information is fundamentally a recognizable pattern Information is clearly something other than an object. In order to copy information all that must be done is recreate the pattern. An object obviously does not fit this definition
  3. The only way taxes could be a benefit to anyone is if extra taxes were stolen from somewhere else.
  4. "Period" Who determines what is valuable or not valuable information? Is a house not property unless it's made out of solid gold? If it's made out of wood it's made from common materials and is just like most other houses Once information is stored on a medium that is not owned by the Creator (ie another brain, flashdrive, paper or picture) how can the Creator legitimately extend any ownership to the information
  5. Is it possible to have information that is NOT contained in physical property? How do you define the distinction between physical property and physical "delivery mechanisms" and why do they have different property rights? The Internet is still physical, physical cables, physical computers, servers, routers, etc. When you download a digital file you are still using physical property. Also your entire nyt bestseller book example is an argument from consequences. Also Molyneux has a great business model of internet busking. As do many other channels supported on patreon. If I re-uploaded content that I didn't contribute to in any way then nobody would support my channel. They would just seek out the original sources
  6. High IQ populations have a greater ability for deferral of gratification, and sacrifice for the future is required to build a civilization I for example am already planning for retirement and having a family instead of the Hedonism that my peers are into. Also from my research it seems to me that IQ had a lot to do with the ability to make abstractions. Combine that with two decades of government indoctrination in schools and no critical thinking or moral reasoning skills and that might have something to do with it. Just my 2 cents
  7. Define "legally protected" Is it alright for me to give a book to a friend after I've read it to a friend? By your logic no, because the author makes their money when new books are bought. What gives the author/programmer/actor the justification to stop someone else from using their own physical property to manipulate information that exists in the world
  8. Can be information be Property? https://motherboard.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/ne7nzz/here-are-the-letters-that-pepe-the-frogs-lawyers-sent-to-the-alt-right I was reading an article about how the original creator of Pepe the frog is attempting to take legal action against Mike Cernovich and others. Not only cease and desist order but also suing for damages. I understand and accept property rights as it pertains to physical objects but I'd like to ask about property rights for books or code for example, and also if there's any rational case for privacy rights.
  9. If I purchase the Art of the Argument, will it include the audio book when it comes out or is that separate?
  10. Thank you for the advice, and sorry for your lost. I really appreciate and agree with your advice. More so I want to figure out how I can help fight for Western Civilization. I don't see any of these other career paths or starting a family worth it unless I'm doing something to make the future a place I can leave proud for my kids. I can provide for myself, I want to figure out how I can help save the future. The problem is that I don't know of anything that needs to be said that isn't already being said. I'm outgoing and motivated, but I'm more technically minded and I don't know how to apply that to making the future better
  11. I'm only 20, I already stopped going to higher education, despite advice from my professor parental figures. I understand everything you're saying and agree, getting some real estate and using rent from Tennant's to cover my living costs is the plan, and finding a wife is in the plan. But I have no idea how to translate those vague guidelines into something tangible. I feel paralyzed staring down the Leviathan figuring out what I can do with my life, I have so many directions to go in and I have no experience making these kinds of decisions and I don't know how to break it down into smaller manageable problems any more than I have, I have all my bases covered in terms of immediate needs (I could work out more...) but I figured out Jordan Petersons clean your room strategy out many years before I figured out philosophy so all the problems that manifest themselves to me I solve like an engineer Because I do have some training in that and I've always been well versed on the technical side but other than "Society is broken fix it" I don't know what else I can improve on I have all the bases I can think of covered, I could probably do more to protect myself from a bail-in in the event of an economic downturn, I already have about 10% of my money in the goldmoney peer to peer digital currency backed by gold service Peter Schiff promotes 5% in cash in a safe place and good amount in the bank account as a result of not blowing it in school. So I am set up to make investments but I have no experience and don't want to waste it. I'm not so much worried about being able to provide for myself as I want to figure out how to help make the future a place that's even worth visiting
  12. I have been convinced for quite some time that I want to help the fight for Truth and Western Civilization. I already donate monthly and work on self knowledge for several hours a week. I have already been having conversations with everyone around me even including strangers. (I work temporarily overnights as cashier currently far far below my potential but talk to everyone I can and manage to get some Socratic dialogue and good plugs in for yourself, JB Peterson, No Agenda show and others) When the "what do I do" show came out I was excited because I have been racking my brain for months trying to figure out specifically what I can bring to the table. However, I believe I am already covering these bases. Is it possible I am overlooking something? After the charity baseball Shooting I am motivated to act ASAP, And Listening to your latest call in show with the Swedish nihilist prompted this question: How do I find my niche and figure out what I can bring to the table? I'm not sure of anything to say that isn't already being said. I know that I have a lot of untapped potential but I have no idea where to focus it. Edit: I want to focus my efforts on saving the future, I just don't know how to figure out what's needed of me. Stefan and others are doing a great job covering important issues and I don't know what else I could add that wouldn't just be extra noise
  13. We need to go back to email chains and decentralized sharing of information. As storage and internet speeds increase this becomes more possible
  14. I received this question and did not have a good answer, can anyone help me answer this for my friend?
  15. Well I believe wholeheartedly that a voluntary free society would work the thing is is that a lot of people don't trust volunteerism and I was wondering what kind of arguments I could make other than just trust me it'll work
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