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ticketyboo last won the day on August 16 2018

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  1. Has he won the argument about who gets the nukes, or why rich people in an AnCap wouldn't just use their money to buy armies that would reinstate kings? By "abstract", I mean principles. Non-aggression, etc.
  2. The "idiot" man in the clip that was posted is named "Clevon". Search for "Clevon" on Google. One of the top hits is a basketball player named "Clevon Brown". "Clevon" is an African-American name.
  3. The West has made every dysgenic choice possible. Feminism, welfare, contraception, and immigration. They cleverly left race out of Idiocracy by showing low-IQ whites ("white trash") to get it past the censors. (It's only OK to criticize whites.) In the West, the best we can do is a comedy movie. In China, they're going to engineer IQ-200 super babies.
  4. Stef has lots of videos about finance. "There Will Be No Recovery" or similar playlists on youtube. He's not a fan of the stock market overall, but that's from an investing perspective, not a trading one. From an investing perspective, Stef never tells anyone what to do, but if you watch his videos and who he chooses to interview on financial matters, it's clear that Stef is a bit of a gold bug. I'm not saying he's wrong. He also likes crypto currencies.
  5. New category on reddit? New facebook group? The main problem will be getting engaging content and attracting the kind of people that will produce engaging content in your forum.
  6. It was enough to change their constitution and laws. And decimate their birth rate. And replace their population with migrants. https://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/02/24/irish-mass-migration/
  7.  I think I have alt-right Tourette's.  (Maybe you're accurate about that.) Being open and upfront about one's own flaws... I think that's better than denying, makes 'weighing' easier. Constructivity leaning people usually can appreciate that. I think it's good (for others too, probably) that you are considering this likelihood. That's a reasonable assessment. I got red pilled on a lot of stuff recently, I now have a new filter with which to see the world, and I'm over-applying it. Some kind of recency bias. shirgall dropped in a reality check.
  8. Ted T'so's "rape apology" post was empirical and truthful. James Damore's memo was empirical, truthful, and scientific. Maybe you mean discussing the abstract concepts, rather than applying them. Applying them to the real world is what gets people into trouble. But that's what makes Stefan's channel so useful and engaging. I'm not sure what's "safe" anymore. See the recent hysteria surrounding Stef's speaking tour. You are guilty of posting on the message board of and donating to a known alt-right german national socialist rape apologist etc. The truth doesn't matter. It's no longer about what lies the left can get people to believe; it's about what lies they can force people to accept. I've seen probable infiltrators come in here and try to start threads about and try to bait others into posting in threads about german national socialism. How much would it cost CNN to pay an intern to get an account here and try to gin up something they can screen cap and use for a narrative? How much would it be worth to them? I suspect this is why Stef never posts in here. This forum is a huge liability for him. When they are out to get you, you need to be paranoid.
  9. They called him a "rape apologist" based on him citing some stats. Next, they are going after anyone that defends Kav. You post on FDR using something approximating your real name? How is this possible? Do you have FU money, or an FU job, or some other position of FU, or just an FU attitude? Or do you just avoid posting anything controversial?
  10. Doesn't have much to do with the quote you pulled from my post from two and a half years ago. I think I have alt-right Tourette's.
  11. Look at those videos and photos of women celebrating and cheering when the constitution or laws changed. It looks like women cheering for a concert or something like that. Are The Beatles back? Was a cure for cancer discovered? Did someone land on Mars? Victory in Europe Day? Nope. They were celebrating killing their fetuses. Western civilization is a death cult.
  12. Hottest guy on the Internet: http://time.com/3698626/hot-mug-shot-guy-sentenced/
  13. Stats that treat the United States as one homogeneous nation are misleading. The United States is a multi-ethnic empire that contains many different nations. One of those nations is a subset of England. Another of those nations is a subset of Zimbabwe. Etc. Pretending that England and Zimbabwe and China and Japan and Mexico are the same nation is ridiculous.
  14. She'll write him letters in prison every day and they'll have conjugal visit babies. She started writing her first letter to him right after hanging up the phone with Stef. Guys in prison are hottttt. http://www.meet-an-inmate.com/male/
  15. Yeah, this is the whole point. I've tried dating older girls and its pointless. And by older I am talking like 24. 24 is after college. Double digit cock count by then.
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