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Everything posted by Cam05050

  1. Hey I have been interested in libertarianism/voluntarism/anarcho-capitalism (basically the same thing interpreted differently) and have run out of audiobook recommendations from Mises so would like some more. I haven't yet listened to the work of Larken Rose, however have listened to a lot of economists including those who aren't libertarians like Thomas Sowell. 1) Must be Audio at this point in time as I prefer to listen while running, performing other tasks or driving. 2) Nothing about the gold standard, free market economics, economic policy, or anti SJW books as I have listened to enough of this already including Walter Block, Tom Woods, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises, Sowell, Milton Friedman, etc. 3) Length doesn't matter, however must be coherent without wild leaps in reasoning. 4) I would prefer books on politics, the problems with involuntary authority, anarcho-capitalist philosophy, natural law, and other topics not commonly covered. 5) Don't mind paying for the book, obviously free books are ok as well, however if I am going to pay I would like the author to have related talks available on youtube etc, or written work I can read, to verify that the cost is worth it. That's about it. Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. What is the deal with prisons? I have never heard a libertarian tackle this subject and have always wondered to what extent people support prisons at all, be it private or public. If we were to decommission all prisons tomorrow, what would be the process for existing and new criminals who commit harmful crimes toward others (murder, sexual assault, rape, etc). I can see an financial crime requiring the repayment of victims, and less violent crimes could result in community service etc, however what about rape, murder, etc?
  3. I just wanted Stefan's recent video with the African American speaker on how young men grow up hating the world and society for things that happened. I am not African America, however I feel like this has been me for a long time and I don't really know how to solve it. My Dad left when I was 3 (I only recently found on more about him, his status at the time, etc after a huge argument with my Mum) so I was consequently raised by my Mum and 2 Old Sisters. When I was younger, like many young people, I suffered from nocturnal enuresis (It may have a genetic link as I recently found out my Mum had it and has always had a sleep disorder) which at first resulted in numerous medical appointments. Every time in occurred she would erupt in a fit of rage and more often then not physically attack me. This continued until I got to high school (There were a few years I was completely dry I believe, I honestly can't remember as I have blocked it out). The issue was off and on throughout high school with entire weeks or fortnights of no problem. The typical aggression and blaming of my "laziness" or social problems at school were her ways of justifying it. With that said she couldn't hit me anymore as I had become to strong, so resorted to emotional attacks or would ignore the issue but still get angry after the fact. To avoid typing my entire life story, the enuresis problems stopped the day I left home and went to University where I had 2 years of not waking up covered in my own urine. Then I got stressed out because I struggled to meet people, was pushing myself far to hard with rowing/cycling/running so was a drastically low weight and as a result it came back. I have since finished my degree (I am considering going back to become an educational psychologist or human factors psychologist to hopefully prevent this shit from happening to others). The problem is as bad as it ever was when I was younger (every single fuckin night, I am genuinely surprised I have ended up on anti depressants or dead) and I don't have anyone to talk to about it. I have seen a few urologists who found no problem, however I missed my uro-dynamics exam (They stick a camera up your penis, sounds delightful) so I can't really be sure it isn't physiological or at least some sort of muscle weakness that became an issue when I lost a lot of weight. I reckon that it is a combination of hatred for my parents (and to some extent Sisters who did nothing) as well as a sleep disorder or genetic predisposition of some kind. I have spoken with a few therapists briefly and after doing so on one occasion I didn't have enuresis for 2-3 days (could be placebo I guess). Even today my Mum pretends it never happened or simply won't discuss it. I don't know what to do as I am already 24 with this problem consuming my life. Laundry costs are insane so I often have to wash everything by hand, I have been through 2 mattresses this year as the protectors seem to lose their effectiveness at a random point (to do with the heat from the dryer I think) so they often get damaged. As a result I don't really take pride keeping my room clean (I live in an apartment type setup) and am overly aggressive towards people, sometimes for stupid shit. I left my previous job after I got complaints about smell (I started at like 4am so sometimes didn't have time to shower well enough) and while on a work trip had enuresis over night (I have desmopresin for these occasion, however sometimes it doesn't seem to work for whatever reason). I don't want sympathy, just outlining how it has impacted me, leaving the job was still a stupid mistake regardless and I would not have done it if allowed to relive the day over. Currently looking for work, however Nelson seems to have little work for someone not already skilled in a particular field so am considering moving somewhere else in NZ. Any ideas/advice would be much appreciated.
  4. Hey guys I am new and a few years ago things just clicked after reading Milton Friedman's book. Ever since I have consumed what seems like a un-imaginable amount of content from Stefan's show, MGTOW, Aaron Clarey, etc etc etc. I don't have any experience with coding, website design, etc which has prevented me to some degree from capitalizing on the above idea. I live in New Zealand where the media still seems to have a rather large grip on the population (of around 4.6million) especially those over the age of around 30. New Zealand currently has a National government which has been better then the Labour Governments of days gone by to some extent (I hate the new health and safety reforms with a passion which were introduced by national for votes, however this is off topic). The fear I have is that the younger population is similar to those in the US with most of them supporters of Labour or more commonly the Green party so as our population ages the political mite of this country is going to drastically swing in the other direction (although this will be controlled to some extent by the migration of asian cultures to NZ who disproportionately vote ACT or National). The current media establishment has very few libertarian/right wing torch bearers willing to buck the trend and speak out, in-fact off the top of my head I can only think of two (Mike Hosking and Leighton Smith) both of whom are somewhat constrained by the companies they work for and the "Broadcasting standards authority" who are basically government enforces of pro big government ideals, especially the on-air radio shows and media broadcasts on channel 1 or 3. Recently Mike Hosking spoke out about the bullshit affirmative action within New Zealand that gives Maori special privilege in terms of benefits, government positions, special entry into competitive limited entry courses at NZ universities, among other things. As a result he is being investigated by the standards authority after viewers complained (more then likely Maori's or pro racial privilege left leaning individuals). This has highlighted the extent to which the media within New Zealand is kept under control without any real spokesperson for liberty as even self labelled alternative media bloggers or social media whores are controlled by the government establishment (Eg Whale Oil who is in Nationals back pocket). As a result I would like to give myself a kick up the ass and start actively pursuing this idea so am looking for some motivated kiwi's or even keen foreigners that are willing to dedicate some of their free time to this business idea. Make no mistake I plan on making money on this long term with marketing deals and the like however as is often the case It is unlikely to be financially viable for a least a few years. Obviously how I/We go about this is up for consideration based on who is keen however the requirement as far as I can see are as follows: 1) Social media pages need to be set up: This is going to be very important as was pointed out in a recent video Stefan uploaded where the guest talked about how social media is currently being used by Milo and other conservatives etc to bring up important debates/issues. This therefore has serious potential to skyrocket such a idea into public spotlight. 2) A website, this is pretty obvious and going forward is going to be crucial especially if Twitter/Facebook decide to fuck the social media pages/ideas over with their "protective speech policies". 3) A youtube Channel needs to be set up that can captivate our viewers in a similar way to Stefan once there is a considerable following. Preferably we need an attractive Female(s) and Male(s) to be the face of such a channel for a number of reasons. One, as Aaron Clarey pointed out women with a conservative/libertarian bias grow in size A LOT faster then Males with similar ideas. Two, the early adopters of most new social media ideas tend to be younger viewers (there are obvious exceptions) however new channels often pick up pace initially from younger viewers who want to discover something new as compared to older viewers who's time is far more valuable/costly. Three, Who doesn't like attractive girls? Even chicks like watching chicks and often follow the advise of other women on youtube similar because their on youtube. 4) We are going to need some serious $$ and this is where a lot of my ideas become fantasies. I will be upfront and say that I am in no position to fund such an idea partly because of the poor career advice I received from my high school career adviser who instructed me to go to university to study physiology simply because I enjoyed chemistry/biology at highschool without thinking of the numbers of students/graduates in this field, the careers available, etc etc etc. A crowd funding scheme isn't going to work here as New Zealand is simply to small and to insignificant for anyone outside NZ to actually care about. No financial company would touch such an idea with a ten foot poll as media is an unpredictable, competitive market with some very large players who dominant the minds of the population. Therefore it is either going to come about through volunteered time (Which I am happy to commit to, especially seeing as University has left me in debt without any considerably marketable skills so such a venture would give me a serious opportunity to learn a lot about very profitable industries even if such an idea doesn't even up being hugely successful). Or it is going to come about through some sort of expansion of a pre-existing company that wants to even change focus within NZ or expand into New Zealand as we are if nothing else one of the very few countries around the world with a seriously chance of becoming a beacon of freedom given a lowish population, mostly homogeneous culture, strict boarders, relatively stable economy, and the HUGE ocean between us and the undeveloped world which prevents them from attempting to illegally enter our country (and if they make it, fuckin ai we should welcome them in and give them jobs because that's a long way). I am aware this idea is rather considerable in size however how many of you want a honest and open news service or want entry into New Zealand? Given this would count as a job with a NZ based company (once it's profitable obviously) It is likely to change your entry requirement drastically. Just an idea at this stage, happy to receive feedback, ideas or even a quick and painful reality check if such an idea is never going to materialize into anything.
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