I'm no expert on this, but if God (of the Bible) is real, then there must be reasons for it. And I am not going to state the following like I am right, just ideas.
Don't eat from the tree of knowledge = stay like children = stay innocent. The smarter we get, the more we rely on science, the state, powers other than God, and with power comes corruption. I don't know if you watched Stranger Things on Netflix, but the contrast between the kids and the adults were striking to me. All the adults had been corrupted in one way or another while the kids were innocent, even in their mistakes. Look how smart we are now, and look how hooked we are on technology. Look how we are able to destroy ourselves now.
There are tribes out there even today who have gotten by on no technology, basic learning and all that. Maybe that was the way he wanted us to stay.
Or it could all be crap, and in that case, nothing really matters, we could blow ourselves up tomorrow and be dust in the wind the day after that and the universe will no longer have a witness of its existence.