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Everything posted by tfwoods3

  1. I'm no expert on this, but if God (of the Bible) is real, then there must be reasons for it. And I am not going to state the following like I am right, just ideas. Don't eat from the tree of knowledge = stay like children = stay innocent. The smarter we get, the more we rely on science, the state, powers other than God, and with power comes corruption. I don't know if you watched Stranger Things on Netflix, but the contrast between the kids and the adults were striking to me. All the adults had been corrupted in one way or another while the kids were innocent, even in their mistakes. Look how smart we are now, and look how hooked we are on technology. Look how we are able to destroy ourselves now. There are tribes out there even today who have gotten by on no technology, basic learning and all that. Maybe that was the way he wanted us to stay. Or it could all be crap, and in that case, nothing really matters, we could blow ourselves up tomorrow and be dust in the wind the day after that and the universe will no longer have a witness of its existence.
  2. As someone who strongly wants the Bible to be true, I can list a few of my personal debates in my head over my lifetime. 1. If God knows everything past and future, the day he created Satan, an angel at the time as the story goes, he knew that at some point Satan would turn on him and take 1/3 of all his angels with him. It's kinda like having a son and knowing without a doubt that when he turns age 20 he is going to go ballistic and drive a van with half your kids off a cliff. Up until that day you act like nothing is wrong and just wait till it happens. The way I explain it: Satan is just a metaphor for an event that had to happen, he represents everything wrong in us and our freedom to choose good or evil without anyone forcing our hand. 2. If Satan knows what the bible says, and the bible says he is going to do a list of things in the end times (like mark of the beast) and then be defeated, why would Satan go along with that list, why not do something completely different? 3. Why doesn't God just reveal himself to us so there is no longer a question if he is real or not? The way I explain it: Part of the reason we can be forgiven is because we are ignorant. If you knew the complete truth and then still went out and sinned anyway, how could you be forgiven then? Maybe this is why angels cannot be forgiven. Jesus said on the cross, "forgive them, for they know not what they do."
  3. Saying you have to have faith is just too easy of an escape answer, you have to look at the evidence and decide for yourself. What is easier to believe, that everything you see before you now was a random accident or does it have a creator? Everyone has different answers to that question, but I lean on the side that finds it very hard to believe that everything was a result of chance and that there is no real meaning in any of this, we will just be a forgotten random event at some point in the future. So a person like me then has to ask himself, well, if there is a creator, is he silent and never reveals himself, or has he revealed himself in the past? Then you have to look for any signs that may have happened. It could be that he did, and men wrote down what they witnessed as best they could and threw in a lot of their own views in there, or who knows. When looking at religions, what do they claim, what contradictions do they have, what did they get right? You can't know for sure, so at that point you have to have faith. It's frustrating as hell because I go up and down the chart of belief and doubt all the time.
  4. There is no question that if a pregnancy is not aborted, as long as any other event doesn't end it naturally, the pregnancy would result in a life. Aborting it ends that life from ever happening. Clint Eastwood-like saying, "you take away everything it was ever going to have". The doctor who chooses to go in there and end it has blood on his hands too. When my sister was pregnant I tried to talk her into an abortion, if she had listened to me, she would not have the 17 year old son she has today.
  5. The way I have always looked at abortion: 1. It doesn't matter when consciousness starts, it will be conscious and have a life at some point. Having an abortion is ending that life. 2. If time travel were possible, and I went back to talk your mom into an abortion, did I just murder you? That is science fiction, but it is still a real question. Why is it okay to do it to an unborn, but not okay to go back and end you. 3. There is always more people involved than just the mother in making the "choice". At least 2, the mother and the doctor who decides to go in there and end it. If the doctor made the choice not to do it, and the mother didn't take matters into her own hands, this person would be born and have a life. 4. If a mother is pregnant with twins, is it okay to choose to abort one and keep the other?
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