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  1. Thank you, David. 4) made sense in a way that I have not thought of before. 3) I understand and I am working on trying to move past a "this or that" attitude and move towards a goals methodology.
  2. I was young and dick napped myself. We have been together nearly 13 years and there are children involved. Also, I was quite liberal then and chose to believe I could mold myself into what she desired. My foolish mistakes and desires to please are a hard wake up call for both of us and apologies don't fix our predicament. At first my world was shattered by my own family and then I found I was attacked for my honesty from everyone besides my children. Going through the process of self knowledge and acknowledging my own self worth has been a hard and painful process over the past five years. Now I am trying to be straight forward, without fogging and projecting. I find I am getting push back ever more frequently from the people in my life. All I can say is that finding FDR and a community of this caliber is very helpful and is an excellent resource on top of my own efforts. Once again, thank you and I will watch the series you suggested.
  3. Perhaps this is an example of what I'm talking about. Two different replys but both having approximately the same message and both being honest when I sent them.
  4. Thank you both for your reply. Value of Brevity, I agree. Dsayers: 1) I agree. 2) I've been asked by my counselor if there is a different way I can make statements or ask questions. This stems from my wife being triggered with me communicating honestly. Over the past year I have been listening to Stef and I am currently rereading RTR. In the past I had a terrible habit of appeasing and going along to try to stabilize the relationship. 3) I'm trying to figure out the most effective way to communicate when you are trying to be empathetic but you are not sympathetic to their communication. This stems from a fundamental disagreement of an issue with my wife. 4) When I try to have a dicussion with my wife about this fundamental disagreement, she goes straight to "I'm right, your wrong" and will not discuss goals or the emotions behind this issue, besides being hurt by the fact that I disagree and do not sympathize with her position. Thank you for your help. I appreciate your feedback.
  5. Thank you for your help. To your points dsayers: 1) I agree. 2) This has to deal with one. Can we change how we say things and still call it honest? I don't think we can. I am being asked to do this in communication with my wife by our councilor. I am using "I staments" and trying to use feelings words. 3) This directly relates to 2.It has been suggested to me that if I change my methods of communicating it may be more effective when trying to negotiate. I understand that there needs to be goals in mind and not ultimatums. 4) Personally, this relates to my wife. If someone you care about isn't ready, when do you stop trying? I am re-reading RTR and trying to collect anymore info I can on this topic. It's Very strenuous on my relationship after I started diving deeper into self knowledge and took the red pill. Thanks again for the help.
  6. What does it mean to be truly honesty in our communications? Can we change or filter our words to mean the same things and still get our point across? When communicating, how much do you need to take the other person's perspective into account? Are they ready to hear what you have to say and if they are not, then what? These are all questions that my councilor left me with. I would appreciate the community's help on this matter. Thank you.
  7. Qualifications for POTUSA: Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1 No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 - ratified February 27, 1951 No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
  8. I reject the notion of multiculturalism outright. This idea that all cultures can fully exist and be expressed in a society is a complete failure. Currently, the failure of multiculturalism is being seen in european and american countries with terrible consequences. In the US we do not have a true multicultural state. We have a free society, wherein cultures can express themselves when they do not violate the laws. First the culture of freedom and the democratic republic, then all other cultures that fit within that model. So, yes. Reject multiculturalism, but for freedom and not for Islam.
  9. Adding the episode numbers in the description of the videos on YouTube would help with referencing the podcast feeds. I switch back and forth between material and it would be convenient to have this feature. If there already is a reference, can someone point me in the correct direction? Thanks
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