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  1. that is exactly what I did! i apologized to my kids on several occasions for spanking them; explained that i was wrong about it; and promised to never do it again.
  2. A guy I'm friends on FB posted this: http://goodfullness.net/domestic-violence-victim-took-photo-day-one-year-last-photo-heartbreaking/?utm_source=unbounded&utm_tracking=324&utm_medium=Social And here's my rant after sharing on my wall: This is such a steaming pile of horse shit I can't even believe anyone would buy this nonsense! Suffering from domestic violence, like it's an airborne pathogen or something(???) and woman has no moral agency in the situation, nor the ability to FUCKING LEAVE!!! Please spare me this bull-crap! And the 80% number is BS; it's more like 50/50, but guess what? 99% of the time when cops get called, it's the man getting the ride to the station, EVEN IF HE CALLED THE COPS FOR HELP! Nice try, I guess #MeToo is getting a bit worn out already, heh? One other thing, the video looks fake as fuck. And anyone who has seen a real female victim of domestic abuse knows they do everything to hide it an lie about about it, not fucking plaster it all over the internet! Ask me how I know. What a pathetic tear-jerking joke! Two other thing... I shall now bravely go where no straight man has gone before... and ask one simple question: why is nobody talking about rates of domestic violence in homosexual relationships? Especially lesbian relationships? I'll tell you why: because the numbers ain't pretty! But this hit peace is supposed to make us hate straight men even more, and that's how you know this is feminist bullshit propaganda. P.S. I am not denying there are scumbag men who beat women; I've met thousands of men in my life and only came across ONE who did that, exactly ONE. But this one sided shitting on men needs to stop. The problem of domestic violence affects men as much as women. I'll leave a video in the comments once I find it if anyone cares to take a listen...
  3. Alright then Nobody took the bait I see JK I've been consuming for a while now... so I just set up a monthly recurring donation. Keep up the good work Stefan and Mike! Love the show. P.S. 2 more kids here raised peacefully thanks to this show! I'm so glad I found you, as are my kids... if you ask them why mommy and daddy changed the way we raise them they'll tell you "because you listen to Stefan right?" hehe no joke! BTW loving your new(ly) found love for Christians Thanks again for everything you do!
  4. I've been consuming for a while... long while. Want to sign up for recurring donations through PayPal. What's a decent monthly amount, or an average recurring donation? Just curious. I could definitely do better than my monthly Netflix or Hulu fees again, I'm just curious what the community donates on average. Thanks! Oh, started listening to AotA, it's great
  5. I'll give you a hint: vulcanization of rubber Oh, and Stef's joke about Hillary running a cult was a shiv right between the ribs of the critiques
  6. my childhood is for the most part a smoking crater of dysfunction (ACE=5); i am a father of 2 and happily married, peaceful parenting and all
  7. What is authoritarian parenting? BTW I am against spanking ever since I found Stefan http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life/swedens-liberal-parents-spoil-children-rotten-20131102-2wtjy.html
  8. Enjoy http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/jonas-himmelstrand-/effects-of-daycare_b_4220857.html
  9. don't! these same people would cheer while conservatives and libertarians were packed on cattle carts headed for the camps! leftism needs to be defeated!
  10. Thank you FDR for helping us elect Trump! Donation sent your way this morning! Keep up the good work!
  11. the main hero of the film is a woman who doesn't know who the father of her child is. enough said.
  12. you mean she likes to take men's money and spend it on herself lol ?
  13. As the title states, I used to spank my kids (I have a 7yo boy and 5yo girl, almost 8 and 6 actually) and on several occasions in the past they did get a spanking. it wasn't by any means frequent, i can count the number of times on my fingers, but still, it happened. since I found FDR I realized the error of my ways. few months ago I apologized to my children and promised that I would never hurt them again. I worry because I don't know if I've done irreparable damage to my children's psyche and their view on parenting and relationships going forward. What do you guys and girls think? How do I proceed with parenting going forward? Can I fix the parenting such that the spanking never happened? BTW, wife is on board with peaceful parenting (we were both BEATEN as children, not sure about her, but my ACE score is 5 ) BTW2, I have a very good, loving relationship with my children. Wife and I shower them with love and they know it ;-) BTW3, no, i did not circumcise my son (I live in FL, USA, but I was born in Poland where such barbarism does not happen). What say you?
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