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Everything posted by whirlingmerc

  1. A god parent is a commitment to raise the child Christian should the parents not be able to. I can see there would be some dissonance
  2. I think both atheists and agnostics are fundamentally wrong anyway I was watching a nature film by an atheists where south african monkeys were hunting for shark eggs at low tide and I couldn't help thinking 'and some people say God has no sense of humor' !
  3. God can be all powerful and good if He knew that a yet greater good would come out of the fall of Satan and Man There are depths of mercy and justice that can be seen in God because of both, as one possible explanation.
  4. Isaiah is the second most quoted Old Testament in the New Testamant and also the most quoted prophet. Does he, in fact present a good case for Christ? http://www.slideshare.net/MichaelScaman/isaiah-the-song-of-moses-and-the-lamb
  5. The 10 commandments reflect the character of God so one can argue the basis of law rests on the character fo God Additionally I disagree with 'being self serving' is not necessarily moral, we are all self serving in some sense, it just happens in our case that serving others brings more joy to one self. In the case of God, the greatest happiness of man comes when they glorify God best. True Glory for God resonates with deep hapiness for man.... hence it is more than self serving for God to desire worship, it is for the greatest hapiness of the creature. .... but there is something inherently good in God being glorified by mercy and also justice
  6. Our sun is actually extraordinary.... ...very stable... much moreso than most and located in a special place between arms of the galaxy so that a planet around it such as earth can see deep into the universe and also see the arms fo the galaxy... and ideal place for life and the observation of the universe... http://www.slideshare.net/MichaelScaman/right-hand-of-god-in-psalms Is it possible the object was not just blocking the light but pulling material from the star? maybe causing huge solar flares? maybe that would cause something asymetrical?
  7. I like how South African Monkeys like to go hunt for shark eggs and eat them. They wait for the tide to be at a low, which happens every 2 weeks then they walk out to where the sea weed is and stick their hands in and pull out some orangish red eggs - shark eggs - and eat em. And some people say God has no sense of humor! http://www.slideshare.net/MichaelScaman/right-hand-of-god-in-psalms
  8. yes... its also possible to be irrational and evil evil has more to do with what you lean on and put your delight in http://www.slideshare.net/MichaelScaman/right-hand-of-god-in-psalms
  9. I think death is more the result of sin and evil.... not loving and not glorifying God is the real evil. ... human behavior like not loving your eighbor is a visible effect of that underlier.
  10. people get upset when their 'idols' are challenged the Idol could be Trump... or ... it could be Clinton frankly both are significantly flawed
  11. I like 'gracism' showing mercy and grace to others There are unfortunate cases where police make bad choices and unfortunate cases where protestors express there opinions in unwise ways but all lives matter.... blue lives... black lives... all lives... all were made in the image of God and should be respected
  12. I will vote but I think the VP choices are better than both the presidential choices
  13. fitness as your older is also related to learning... if you learn something fairly new like a new language it will help the brain.... use it or lose it...
  14. God is good and will do good but it can be in a greater overarching manner. There may be a fall but it may lead to a greater good in terms of 1. man realizing more His dependency on God 2. opportunity for man to show mercy to man 3. seeing a side and depth of the mercy and love of God not otherwise possible http://www.slideshare.net/MichaelScaman/right-hand-of-god-in-psalms
  15. I disagree that faith is the acceptance of something without proof and I don't see that in the Bible Acts 1:3 He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.
  16. Yes and no.... No first God made man good and man fell. A good but broken creation Yes As fallen people our choices are limited by a fallen broken nature Grace does break out of that and we are remade http://www.slideshare.net/insight#views/63015274/%3Frange%3D3m
  17. I know of no unresolvable apparent contradiction in the Bible. I know quite a few atheists consider slam dunks. Perhaps you could pick a few as example?
  18. The choice is not really faith vs no evidence, like a leap in the dark. Biblical saving faith, I believe, involved a leap toward the light - not a blind leap in the dark. Jonathan Edwards asked how you tell if honey is good? you put it on your tounge and it is possible in various ways to 'taste and see that the Lord is good' whith His help.
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