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  1. Stef and I are on the same page on just about every issue except for climate change. This video really brings all of my criticisms into one nice presentation thanks to youtuber PotHoler54. I'd like to see some lively debate in the comments!
  2. Stefan, I have some questions about your climate change skepticism. But firstly I have to say that I agree with you that bigger government isn't going to solve the problem, if there is one. I'm wondering if you deny desertification, carcinogenic smog, hypoxic dead zones in the ocean, ocean acidification, record breaking droughts and wild fires, etc. From my understanding of biology I recognize that humans, and most organisms on earth (except for the little bastards living off the chemicals spewing from sea floor vents) require the functioning of various environmental conditions which are very specific. Take for example phyto plankton, these little guys require a specific ph for their habitat. These humble creatures are the source of about 50% of our atmospheric oxygen. Our activities of heavily polluting the atmosphere and by leaving so much shit to run off into the oceans, we've begun to fiddle too much with the oceans conditions. Or lets take carcinogenic smog. It's likely that you've seen 'made in china' hundreds of times in your life. Chinas air pollution is horrific, I'm sure you've seen the photos. I say we don't need government to solve these problems, in fact, they make these problems considerably worse. What we need is personal responsibility for our economic demand, awareness of the effects of our purchases. Since I was born, something like 40% of species have gone extinct. I recognize that humanity is creating a new geological epoch on this small planet, we have megalopolises outstretched across our continents, and 40% of the earths land mass is now farmland. I know that in an ecosystem, all organisms are connected to each other. The earth is mostly a closed system and we're disrupting the fragile conditions our species relies on for survival. And I don't mean the people who can have their food grown and synthesized in labs. Regardless of your position on global warming/climate change, do you understand the effects of environmental pollution and degradation on other people and sentient organisms? Thanks for reading, I'm interested in your thoughts on this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJUA4cm0Rck
  3. Hey, thanks man. That song has a lot to do with what I'm going through now. I just finished high school and I'm trying to get in touch with myself. Because for a long time, feeling nothing and repressing my emotions and often even my thoughts seemed like the only way to get through it all. I appreciate the empathy!
  4. I often write out short poems to get a sense of my own emotional complexities and to feel something in times where I feel somewhat numb. I'd like to get a poetry topic going, I searched for one and couldn't find any. So this will be a topic for those who want to share poetry and comment on each other's. Pain Everyone I've ever known Has left me to be alone I'm desperate for connection Of virtuous reflection All I really wanted was love And I was always left with a lack thereof My head pounding with rage heart aching in this cage Rejected, neglected, and played Dissected, elected and made To feel as if I could trust Completely blinded by lust How do I escape this mental prison Where are those with the keys? To be from the dead risen Is all I ask please.
  5. I know I'm one sexy fella Don't worry about me being fooled by some fake. I can smell bullshit a mile away.
  6. Thanks for the pro tip. anonymous is creepy and I should have put my contact info right out there. I just made an edit to the post. Please don't be creeped out by me. I'm the kind of guy who literally feels bad when he hurts a fly.
  7. Edit: Facebook https://m.facebook.com/samuel.j.wickstrom Edit: I get that there are not a lot of 18 year olds on this site. That's because not a lot of 18 year olds are at the mental age where an old man talking about philosophy is incredibly interesting. Most people my age can't keep up with Stef's level of vocabulary and complexity of thought. I'm not saying I want an old lady, but please dont feel like you need to be in your teens to get to know me. I can't connect with the people my age, mentally, intellectually, they're not old enough. So again, don't feel shy if you're somewhat older than I am. Lastly, I will move anywhere for an intellectually stimulating and virtuous woman, because I realize that true connection is the most valuable thing on earth. Simply put, I dont know where else I will find someone as articulate, virtuous, open, and honest, as the people on this site. Please send a Facebook message if you would like to get to know me
  8. I would like to get some form of therapy. I'm very tight on the budget but I'm sure I can find something of value. If you are willing to provide some supoort that is incredibly selfless and kind of you and I am happy to accept the offer. I like to see your perspective and understand myself in a way through another set of eyes. And to empathize with your experience, though it is different, provides a sense of connection which is quite valuable to me. Feel free to ask any questions
  9. Thanks for the input drew (:. I think with me the feeling of being on edge, slightly paranoid of the possibility of police bothering me gives me a sense of normality. As my childhood was fearful having a sort of controlled fear gives me a sense of strange comfort. You're right that my friends are blind. Im desperate for true connection and have felt a longing my entire life to meet a truly virtuous woman and similar friends.
  10. Thanks for the response. I'm glad I'm getting into self knowledge at 18 so hopefully I won't be caught in the loop for my first 40 years. I really related to your poem. Thank you
  11. I have been reading through Maté's In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts. I myself have addictive behaviours and come from a family of victims of childhood abuse. Maté wrote in reference to the mindset of an addict, "It’s not a matter here of common shyness but of a deep psychological sense of isolation experienced from early childhood by people who felt rejected by everyone, beginning with their caregivers." I have always felt this isolation throughout my entire life. When I use drugs I feel normal for a while. The isolation begins to make ones mind feel like a prison cell. The drugs become the key to the cell door. I think it begins with my parents not being emotionally open with me or my siblings, circumcising all 3 of us, and the constant fear of vicious leather belt spanking, and not only that but being forced to eat a bar of soap for vulgar language, and more I'm sure but I've intentionally forgotten much of my childhood. I just want to open up and talk to someone about this. Any opinions or thoughts/questions are welcome.
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