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  1. One of the biggest questions I've been receiving from my male friends regarding feminism generally sounds something like this, "What do feminists want?" First and foremost, I am not a feminist, I am not an expert on their movement or their studies. However, I do have several associates that I've passively been Facebook stalking for several years and occasionally engage in conversation. Man or woman, this question is very difficult to answer. Feminists that I know tend to start conversations or approach a topic from a position of defensive rage. The meme below represents one of the current hot topic issues of modern feminism. I will attempt to translate this accusation/desire of the modern feminist: I am angry because men don't like what my gender has to offer in the entertainment industry. Men are not interested in strong female roles, and this is a problem because it means that men do not sympathize with the struggle of women. Men only care about the leadership of other men. Men insult female actors who portray leadership roles by accusing them of "pandering sjw bulllshit." This means men are gross. Alright you guys, I'm going to go ahead an apologize.. I know this topic is vapid and annoying. I guess what I'm attempting to do is dissect this trash down and gain some additional perspective on the visceral and intellectual response of males. This may seem far fetched, but eventually I would like to try and reach out to some misguided youth with reason, logic, and perspective. I have a 4 year old son, and two twin daughters on the way. I don't want them to get sucked into this culture. I want to learn how to communicate honestly in the most non-offensive way so that the seeds of rationality are implanted in the minds of the impressionable. Thank you guys in advance for your time.
  2. Currently my Facebook feed is circulating the upper portion of this meme. According to leftist media, people are outraged that Trump would exploit the Louisiana flood victims by redirecting first responders and other precious resources for a photo op and gratuitous play-dough donation. Clearly the "play dough" spin is a very superficial report on Trump's actual relief efforts, which involved an 18 wheeler truck filled with essential supplies such as drinking water, food, socks, diapers, etc. Trump pointed out Obama's absence in the relief effort, which was rebutted by Governor John Bel. Edwards who said, "I asked them to let us get out of the response mode where we were still conducting searches of houses, and we were still making rescues. I didn’t want to divert these police officers, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers and other essential resources and assets to providing security for the president while they were needed in this region to undergo those — or to undertake those response activities. And I asked that if he could wait until the response was over and we got into the recovery phase, which I predicted we would do over the weekend and certainly next week would be a better time for us to visit. But the president is welcome to come to our state anytime that he wants to." http://www.politicususa.com/2016/08/21/louisiana-gov-destroys-gop-faux-outrage-obama-baton-rogue-sooner.html ​As far as Trump's relief efforts are concerned, he's getting mixed reviews. Some of the victims are clearly grateful for his pro-active efforts, while others suggest that his presence was more burdensome than helpful. Any thoughts? ​​
  3. Kikker- I'm not so involved that I know exactly why they chose to do this. The mother was well informed and morally against the procedure up until she made the deal with her husband. Neither of them are religious. As far as I know, he wanted his son to look like him.
  4. The feminists that I know personally are less focused on the hatred for masculinity and more focused on controlling the behaviors and desires of men. The feminists that I personally know want men to actively take interest in their hobbies and preferences, while always agreeing with their views. They want men to find them attractive on their terms. It is by nature, quite sexist.
  5. First of all, I apologize for not being well informed on the legal requirements for consent when it comes to circumcision. It is my understanding that only one parent is required to consent to the procedure, typically the mother. That being said, a friend of mine was recently persuaded by her husband to consent to circumcision for their newborn son. After several months of arguing and debating the morality and ethics of the barbaric procedure, she caved into his request. I'm not certain why he was so persistent, however I know that it resulted in a bargaining situation- in exchange for her consent he agreed to quit smoking. In other words, she traded an ounce of her son's flesh for a lifestyle change agreement that would potentially benefit the entire family. She continues to regret the decision, now with the weight of her choice pressing down on her conscious. I believe that she's comforting herself by shoveling the blame of her decision towards her husband, and the "at least" factor of their abhorrent deal making. However, the bottom line is that she is responsible for her decision. She is a well educated woman, who knew both in her gut and in her brain that it was a terrible idea. A couple of the questions this incident has made me consider: What are the consequences of sacrificing one's sense of integrity for another's pleasure? Why would someone do that? Should both parent's be required to consent to circumcision? Should the mother have the ultimate authority over circumcision? What advice can I give her to help her gain something out of this awful experience?
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