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  1. OH GOD! CONGRESS WON"T PASS A BUDGET! So they shut down the government. What happens? Birds fall from the sky,blackouts,riots,dogs marry cats,mayhem! What happens? Nothing. Except we save money.
  2. Who is more qualified to be President? The answer is neither. The answer is no one is qualified to be President. Think about it. We want a President that is foreign policy expert, a diplomacy expert,an economics expert,a tax law expert,a domestic policy expert,a civil rights expert,a Constitutional expert,a science and technology expert,an expert of Space Exploration,and a military expert. This person does not exist. What we really need is a President that can hire the best experts to advise the President. On this basis alone,we should want Trump as President. Trump is not a construction worker, a carpenter,a plumber,or a hotel manager. He has proven he is an expert at finding the right people for the job. And he will not care what the party affiliation is of the people he hires to advise him. Hillary,on the other hand,will certainly not appoint anyone that does not have a "D" after their name. By limiting herself to just Democrats,she will be cutting the number of experts she can choose in half. If a expert happens to be anything other than Democrat,he certainly will not be working in a Clinton cabinet.
  3. This quite possibly could be the last election. It is not hyperbole. The Democrats are firmly Left now. If they get in and flood the country with new voters that only vote Democrat,the Republicans or any party not sharp Left will be outnumbered and lose every election going forward. Every election has the same theme-vote for us because if the other side wins it could be the end of America. It is not too far from the truth this time. Cry wolf everyday doesn't mean one day there really won't be a wolf. It does increase the odds of one not recognizing a wolf when he shows up. I have never seen anything like this. The MSM isn't even making an effort to pretend to be unbiased. The 4th Estate has fallen.
  4. That is not logical. The Old Testament was written for Isreal. The offshoot religion Christianity takes all of the Old Testament as its teaching and incorporates it into their teachings. The Christians claim their teachings are universal. Therefore from a Christian perspective,the Old Testament is meant to be a universal teaching. BTW, I consider myself Christian. I think we would be better off keeping a lot,if not all,of the New Testament and discarding a lot of the Old Testament. I'd like to see a more Christian Christianity.
  5. I was thinking of the Old Testament. It is part of Christianity too. Most of it is separating "us" from "them" via clothing,food,and rituals. Then we get to the battles where God commands to kill every man,woman,child and animal. Smash all the idols,etc...
  6. The people that still have a problem with this have a simple solution: Vote for Trump,but under NO circumstance vote for Trump's accountant. Problem solved!
  7. If Trump loses: 1) The last election
  8. He lost a billion dollars? I'm outraged! Oh,it was his money? Nevermind.
  9. This is pathetic. The MSM and not so mainstream media is obsessed with comments made a decade ago by a citizen while real dirty deeds were perpetuated by the Clintons for thirty years,all the while sucking the golden teat of the taxpayer.
  10. A Dysonsphere may not be the most likely explanation,but it is the most fun. While most astronomers are discounting it as more in line with Ancient Aliens,I am sure all are thinking "wouldn't it be cool if.it were Aliens"
  11. Doesn't sound fake. Every punishment they describes has been shown on social media, and to a much less extent tv. One sentence in it sums up Islam for me. "You have to hate what displeases Allah". There are probably passages in the Christian bible that say about the same thing. But the difference is Christianity downplays it,and certainly does not command its followers to hate for any reason.
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