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To dsayers, (This topic changed so much that I tried PM, but I wasnt able to so..) When you first responded to my posts you tickled my sense of humor due to your tactics and I could not take you seriously. That said, I'm also new to the whole debate environment and I was not effectively communicating in general. I appreciated your patience. Outside of the initial thread(this one) I found another that linked to articles you wrote that influenced my understanding of your 'voice'(it was much more effective than your responses, in my opinion). Although I was being honest as devil's advocate to better understand the other side (I was still on the fence), reading your articles helped me to better understand and appreciate why you were unwavering on yours. Thank you
That's just the tip of the iceberg for me. The manipulation of human nature in social constructs as a whole is what I was curious about. :} I don't think I ever said it was logical fallacy or was trying to diminish what you said. I was simply being facetious... Ineffectively. :} Instead of smiley faces I should narrate my responses in third person. Perhaps then you'll take my stance as devil's advocate less threatening and read my responses with the voice of comedy rather than tragedy? Perhaps not. Either way, I'll take the time at a later date* to commentate on our conversation so far. Until then, please know that I have no intentions of voting and although I would much rather someone not steal from me I understand that people behave differently when their survival mode is being triggered... even if it is synthetic. - * I have a new born baby to attend to. :}
I would say it is closer to the assault never happening because there was no one to land an assault on. The assault to-be is stunted from growing past a thought because... sour grapes. I would like to touch on the scenario of your unborn child being stolen from (because they are in the system). How do you imagine you (as a father) would respond? I have a similar musing and think this theory would be an interesting one to follow. Why do you think this is?
Funny video! Thank you so much for sharing that! :} I admit that my lack of articulation didn't help. No one here knows me, or knows that I might 'know' them from reading their words in past debates. To clarify what I meant when I questioned those who do or do not pay taxes- When we know we are being stolen from, to do nothing about it is legal consent. It is my opinion that unless you are actively practicing methods to deter the thief, then you are responsible for the stolen money contributed to the system that enslaves your neighbor. I wanted to know if the NAP practicing anarchist also feels that responsibility or if they feel matters are out of their hands? [i posted a quote earlier in response. Somehow it attached itself to a previous reply I had for dsayers ... Lemme get it]
Appeal to emotion! How dare you subjugate the mind and body of your unborn child to the state. Keep to your principles and defend their sovereignty from birth onwards! ^ see what I did there, dsayers? ^ :} I think if you want to discuss MY(/YOUR?) principles, it would be polite to move this conversation to another thread or private messaging system so that we do not bog this thread (speculating the WHY of Stef's change on voting) with personal preferences. Unless of course you think it relevant to the topic?
I know of typically independent voters, none voters, and democrats who are treating this election much like that scenario. The majority of the population do not want to go to war or have their loved ones sent to war. Its one thing to be stolen from at gun point and another to be torn away from those you love. What good is it if you are mentally free but have no one to share the experience?
Practice makes perfect. :} (edited) ps- If you change your mind and decide to use your energy to truly engage, and not merely skim the surface of a conversation, please do. I welcome the opportunity to speculate further into the "why" of Stef's change. I suggest pretending that your daughter has a gun to her head. The outcome depends on how you answer my previous questions because what is really being stolen from you is an investment in the future. (will your answer actually makes a difference? Who knows. But no matter the outcome, your choice will say much about you as a person)
I assumed that everyone in this community knew that taxes are theft so I did not bother specifying. Would "stolen contribution" be appropriate or do you have an even more accurate suggestion that wont "squirrel" readers? I'd rather not make the same mistake twice.. :} I'll be responding to this in greater detail after I do a little more research but I have a suspicion that those in Congress may not all be so clean and I speculate that Trump's supreme court would be... effective. My concern is not with those who choose to govern themselves. My concern is with those who choose not to. They want a master? That's their choice. If they asked me what master they should have, then I will suggest the least criminal of the two. (Are you familiar with the show 'Adventure Time'? There is an episode about a goblin kingdom, post-tyrant. It does an entertaining job of getting this point across) Your use of the word "luxury" has.me.curious- Have you ever experienced life outside of a "red" state? Or the US? :}
"Taxes are stolen under threat of violence. No such threat is in place regarding political voting. Therefore voting and paying taxes are not comparable." They are in symbiosis within the system that has been set up, tho. :} So, if you are being stolen from no-matter-what but have a choice as to whether less or more is being stolen from you would your reaction be "let my environment choose my fate" or would you voice an opinion? "If you are a person of integrity and are interested in finding the truth rather than making your prejudice fit, you will withdraw your debunked claim so that an honest conversation may begin/continue." This conversation revolves around Stef, not me. :} If you would rather nit-pick my wording/set-up/framing, rather than ponder on the questions I present, than do not engage me further with a response and this conversation will be no more. To assume that this topic was ever honest is insulting to anyone involved. If ELD was earnestly in pursuit of truth than this concern would have been directed to Stef ( call-in show?? :} ) ~all else is speculation~
"Debunked far too many times to be taken seriously. People are pointing a gun at you to pay your taxes. There is no such threat to vote in most places." I understand that taxes are theft. I am not arguing that. :} What I am asking any anarchist who practices the NAP, tho.. is if you are not taking the steps to defend yourself (a daunting and exhausting task within the system we have), then you are allowing yourself to be stolen from. If given a choice by the thief what your money funds, is your response "the money is no longer in my possession and no longer my responsibility" or "I would rather this life-altering debt be used in favor for the slaves that bite the hand that feeds them... not the ones who want heavier shackles"? "I who want to be free cannot be because all the men around me do not yet want to be free, and consequently they become tools of oppression against me."