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Everything posted by Gemini23

  1. So does anyone know if there are any Conservative friendly alternatives to FB yet? I am getting really tired of how all the Social Media outlets are being dominated and controlled by the Left. For the last year my feed has been nothing but Leftist propaganda and garbage all day, every day. I have a pretty diverse group of friends and my right leaning friends and I noticed that we never see each other's content in the feeds. If someone posted anything against HRC, no one saw, but if it was an attack on Trump it was all you saw all day. Any time I would share Stefan's (or Milo, etc) videos, no one in my own family would even see them. Really disturbing how these corporate overlords (Google, Zuckerberg, etc) are trying so hard to brainwash the populace and control the narrative of everything. The time to deactivate my accounts on FB, Twitter, etc. is getting closer.
  2. Here is the best answer I can give you. First, I am the product of divorce. It was pretty damaging emotionally to have step-fathers (more than one) through out my child hood. Second, if you are wanting to date a single mother, I would ask why? Are there no other single girls in the pool around you? I dated two single mothers when I was younger. I didn't have kids and had never been married. I would say that it is a very difficult road to travel just to get into a girl's pants. And their are plenty of women out there with less baggage. You also should consider your responsibility as a male role model in that child's life. Whether you like that or not. A child is innocent and can not help the situation they are being raised in. In both instances, despite my best effort to avoid it, the single mothers used their sons to inadvertently vet me. That never sat well with me. I felt it wasn't fair to those children to have them get to know me if the relationship wasn't going to last and become something solid and permanent (marriage perhaps) in the future. We all make bad decisions in life. Some worse than others. But in my experience of dating and with observing certain members of my own family, most people do not break bad cycles or bad decision making patterns. It takes a lot of effort and will power. You need to be looking for someone that is your equal. What I mean by that is, if you are a single father then a single mother might be a perfectly healthy and rewarding relationship. You both are in the same circumstances and understand the challenges of it. You might be able to integrate your families down the road as well. So IMHO, you need to be looking for someone that is on the same path as you. Equal footing. Put that goal above all else and you may find the right woman to be your co-pilot. Luckily, I met my wife after dating a lot of the wrong girls and for the wrong reasons. We have wonderful kids and a pretty good life. I had a lot more baggage than my wife to be sure, but we have been able to weather every storm and do our best to raise healthy and well adjusted kids.
  3. I would like to know how many of those provisionals were historically conservative and independent voters. I lived in California for 16 years. My wife was raised there. I know a lot of people that have complained over the years about voter fraud at every level. IE - Mayor, Governor, and the Primaries. Not just conservatives expressing this mind you, dems as well. During Obama's first and second election several of my friends told me that they got to their polling station and were told that they had already voted. They were pissed because they were worried that someone voted Rep on their name - which I can tell you is highly unlikely considering how Left Los Angeles and San Fran are. But my wife and I routinely had issues voting. Sometimes they claimed we were not on the list, other times they claimed we had already voted. This year my wife was denied the right to vote in the Republican primary because they claimed she did not register in time (which you would have had to do before the candidates were even announced). This entire election cycle was shameless.
  4. Genius.
  5. Nice and not so subtle visual cue to say "Oh look at me - I am being persecuted!" Seriously, now anyone you see who is not wearing one will be called out as a racist, sexist, etc. I hate to make this comparison...but isn't this like them giving themselves a "Yellow Star" (sorry for lack of a better analogy here) but doing it so they themselves can discern right away who are the enemy. Who they need to attack? You know... the silent majority that voted for Trump quietly in the privacy of that little booth. Pretty sad place we are in as country.
  6. I don't think Stefan needs Trumps thanks. The fact that he reached so many people and locked in this victory I imagine (from his enthusiasm lately) is probably thanks enough. But I will gladly Thank Stefan for Trump. On behalf of Trump - I think you! Keep up the good fight and spreading of Truth!
  7. I am not an accountant. Nor a tax expert, but I do have experience running my own small businesses and am friends with a lot of entrepreneurs and self-employed people. There are any number of scenarios that can be discussed on why showing a loss on your tax return can be a good thing for you personally. None of them are illegal. None of them reflect on you as being a bad business person. The problem is that the people who are complaining and acting like business owners are somehow ripping everyone off have never run a business. They do not know what anything costs. They know nothing about the taxes and fees that businesses are hit with. They do not know or understand that if Trump himself was able to take a huge personal loss that doesn't somehow mean his businesses didn't pay a tremendous amount of money into the system. Take employment tax for example. People do not understand that businesses pay more than the employees on this at every level. I challenge anyone to go start your own business. See how much it costs at the City, County, State and Federal levels just to have even a dozen employees. I do believe Trump is brilliant. You don't grow a billion + dollar company by being a fool.
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