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Everything posted by Roxibillion

  1. Dear All, This is only my second post on the forum (although the first was the very same in the general board)...and I'm looking for some guidance in two areas, perhaps some of you can help. I have been listening to Stef for approx 2 years now and through his work and the work of others I have been 'red pilled' just in time and now plan to start a family with my husband and use my 'eggs' before they expire. I would consider my husband and I to be relatively intelligent, however we have not been motivated to bring home large incomes in the past and have therefore both 'settled' in our average low skilled (essentially admin level) jobs, valuing time at home more than time spent working. Although I am the highest earner we both agree that our only option is for me to give up work to raise our children, for the first 4 years at least this is non-negotiable. I am currently employed by a well respected privately owned organisation and am keen to leave on good terms with them as they have treated me well, and - were it not for our family, I would not see any reason to leave. It is fair to say that I have some concerns on how we will continue to make ends meet in our current situation as we just about manage now whilst we are both earning. There are definite sacrifices to be made, but our largest outgoing (mortgage) is not one we are prepared to compromise on as we feel it will reflect negatively on our children to move to an undesirable area where undesirable characters will be our community. The property that we have is good value for the location we are in and boasts the space we need, downsizing is not an option as we have children from a previous marriage to consider also. I wonder if it will be possible for me to find something to do using my existing skills which can generate an acceptable/ comparable income from home whilst being able to put the majority of my time, focus and energy in to our children and ensure that I am around and engaged enough to be able to love and educate them. This is consuming my every waking thought and I am very keen to get some feedback from others on the forum based on your experiences. There are no others around who can care for the children, nor would I wish there to be. As we have not yet conceived, my employer is not aware of my 'new' life plan and so the other thing I am looking for guidance on is with regard to interviews that we are currently conducting at my place of work for a new member of our team, and eventually for my replacement. Once we have identified their capability from a professional perspective I am keen to ensure that the new person(s) who come in are a good fit for the long term and that they are moral/ ethical and hard working individuals - what is your advice to me to decipher this from their character in a short cultural interview where I would spend no more than 30 minutes with them. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  2. Dear All, My first post on the forum and I'm looking for some guidance in two areas, perhaps some of you can help. I have been listening to Stef for approx 2 years now and through his work and the work of others I have been 'red pilled' just in time and now plan to start a family with my husband and use my 'eggs' before they expire. I would consider my husband and I to be relatively intelligent, however we have not been motivated to bring home large incomes in the past and have therefore both 'settled' in our average low skilled (essentially admin level) jobs, valuing time at home more than time spent working. Although I am the highest earner we both agree that our only option is for me to give up work to raise our children, for the first 4 years at least this is non-negotiable. I am currently employed by a well respected privately owned organisation and am keen to leave on good terms with them as they have treated me well, and - were it not for our family, I would not see any reason to leave. It is fair to say that I have some concerns on how we will continue to make ends meet in our current situation as we just about manage now whilst we are both earning. There are definite sacrifices to be made, but our largest outgoing (mortgage) is not one we are prepared to compromise on as we feel it will reflect negatively on our children to move to an undesirable area where undesirable characters will be our community. The property that we have is good value for the location we are in and boasts the space we need, downsizing is not an option as we have children from a previous marriage to consider also. I wonder if it will be possible for me to find something to do using my existing skills which can generate an acceptable/ comparable income from home whilst being able to put the majority of my time, focus and energy in to our children and ensure that I am around and engaged enough to be able to love and educate them. This is consuming my every waking thought and I am very keen to get some feedback from others on the forum based on your experiences. There are no others around who can care for the children, nor would I wish there to be. As we have not yet conceived, my employer is not aware of my 'new' life plan and so the other thing I am looking for guidance on is with regard to interviews that we are currently conducting at my place of work for a new member of our team, and eventually for my replacement. Once we have identified their capability from a professional perspective I am keen to ensure that the new person(s) who come in are a good fit for the long term and that they are moral/ ethical and hard working individuals - what is your advice to me to decipher this from their character in a short cultural interview where I would spend no more than 30 minutes with them. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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