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  1. Hey, I'd like to help you solve your problems. I'm gonna write a paragraph or two on each main issue I see that you're having. I noticed 2 main issues, one being your job, and the other being your feelings of depression. I'm gonna suggest you read a few books, its best if you do get them. None are too expensive. 1. Job Short term: get an easy part time job, at fast food or retail, etc. Alternatively you can try the gig economy, as in building or producing an item (like a PC from components) then selling it on craigslist Long Term: Go to college and major in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subject, preferably engineering. DO NOT GET AN ARTS DEGREE. Alternatively you can get an apprenticeship and learn a trade, like carpentry or welding. Learn something thats in demand. (For further information, get a book called "Worthless" By Aaron Clarey) Remember: You don't have to love your job. Get a career in a field that you are ok with, but know that all jobs are hard and they all suck. If you get a good paying job, you can spend more time on hobbies in your own spare time. However, make sure that you do have a hobby which you love. Having a hobby, or a purpose is compulsory to enjoy living and have a meaningful life. 2. Depression and Motivation - Exercise, releases chemicals inside your body that make you feel good, and also makes you healthy, which generally makes you feel a lot better and less depressed. - Social interaction, talking and interacting with people also releases certain chemicals in the brain, and since humans are social animals, its almost a necessity to interact with other humans. You may try to sleep with women to fulfill your natural sexual and intimacy needs as well. (If its hard to interact or make friends for you, read "how to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie, and for talking to women, I reccomend a pick up game book, such as "Bang" and "Day Bang" by Roosh V.) - Stop masturbation and porn use, as it decreases the amount of gray matter in your brain, reduces cognition, motivation, drive and testosterone. Its like a drug, the reward circuitry of your brain needs it more and more, so you are unable to enjoy life like you normally would have. This causes depression. (Book: "Your Brain on Porn" by Gary Wilson) I hope this helps.
  2. What about Iran being placed "on notice" by Flynn?
  3. I read over at the Ron Paul Liberty Report, that there is a bill active that will allow president Trump to attack Iran using the military to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, all without the approval of congress. I'm fine with the temporary immigration halt, but shouldn't this, along with Trump wanting to "rebuild" the military, be worrying at all? I'm pro-Trump, and am glad about all he's done since he was inaugurated, but does anyone have any logical reasons why Trump won't carry on like the previous administrations and invade? If so, please share. Source: http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/pre-emptive-attack-iran-bill-active-in-us-house
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