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  1. Dutchman here, here's our free speech in a nutshell: Two "parts" of our constitution apply to this subject, I've provided rough translations: Artikel 1: "Gelijke behandeling en Discriminatie verbod" (Equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination) It states: "All who themselves find in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal cases. Discrimination on account of Religion, beliefs, political ideology, race, gender or on any other grounds whatsoever, is prohibited." Artikel 7: "Vrijheid van meningsuiting, censuurverbod." (Freedom of speech, censorship prohibition) This one states multiple things, only the first one is relevant though: 1. No one needs prior permission to publicly express thoughts or feelings by press, as long as one does not break another law So, you are allowed to speak your thoughts and feelings as long as you don't break any other laws doing so. In practise, mostly muslims and those from muslim majority countries try to prosecute anyone for "Discrimination". Usually the prosecuted person is Geert Wilders. Hell, they dragged him to court for asking his crowd if they wanted more or less morrocans. He's also the only person who ever gets dragged to court for "wrong speak" as far as I know. I think a lot of people don't publicly voice their opinions and judging by the amount of people still bothering to vote, not a lot of people are awake.
  2. Everything for the betterment of the future, is that what you mean? If Islam or Communism takes over, there won't be any betterment of the future generations unless these generations stand up for freedom, in this instance all you can do is bring offspring to life in a dark and cruel world and teach them the ideals of freedom. I have thought about this as well in the past and came to the conclusion to make my stand right now. Losing freedom means we lost the war, the road of resistance is dark and cruel and street lights on said road will be covered in blood, history has proven this. The war against Tyrants is always a bloody one, if you payed close attention to the riots and UC berkely you know this. We are at a point in time where only a few beacons of freedom are still alight and there is a dangerous shortage of competent leaders in the freedom movement to rally behind, especially in Europe. I'll certainly take my shot at fighting for it once I am in a position to do so. If you're not much of a leader than I fully understand you won't even try to be one. However, I would really like to urge you to at least try it if you know you have some leadership ability.
  3. Thank you all so much for the advice.
  4. I have only had the pleasure of living for seventeen years, most of which spent being indoctrinated in public schools. However, I have always loved freedom and have always been an uncontrollable pain in the ass to those trying to impose their will above mine.(call me a natural anarchist if thou must) I was forced to take medication which completely broke me, it messed up my hormones really bad, weakened my muscles, destroyed my ability to feel love, happiness and anger. I was 9 when it started, 6 years later it was by my own initiative that it ended. This broken state of mind left me searching for a cause to fight for, I ended up with the socialists just before reaching the age of 16. However, 8 months ago something changed. For the first time in years I asked myself "What the hell am I doing?". I started to see the hollowness of the Socialists and was looking for answers, I ended up with the so called "skeptic community", not long after infowars came along, which I really didn't take that serious at the time. Nevertheless the seed that Alex had sown were starting to grow incredibly fast. Then I found Molyneux. Within 5 months I was red pilled, I now see the truth. I understand what is going on and I have truly found myself again. And like you, I want to write books, but I must urge you to not give up fighting. Whether you live in a European nation, or the USA, if you let go of that beautiful torch that will light the phoenix of freedom, you will let go of anything that makes life worth living. It is not money or your clock that can lift you from your bed. It is Freedom that keeps all of us going. It is freedom that I wake up for. Without freedom, most of us wouldn't have been born. There is no better way to piss on the graves of those that have fought, bled and died for freedom, reason and love than to love freedom but refuse to fight for it. For it is only freedom that can wake me up. I have felt what the emptiness of socialism feels like and I will NEVER go back. I would rather die than surrender to the forces of slavery again. I have already stood there in my room with my deadly sharp pocket knife, battered by medication and socialism, while continuously being fucked by those who held power over me (Figuratively speaking!!). I had reached the end of the runway and stood there at that final moment of truth, looking down into the cliffs of suicide. I stood there and asked myself if I should kill myself or fight back against the shit that had fucked me over, time and time again. The shit that broke the happy little boy I used to be. Well I made my choice. I chose to fight. Now I was given this same question, albeit in a different way: Fight for freedom or die a slave. Again I chose to fight. If you truly love freedom, and I know this pill is painful to swallow, you must fight for it, or die trying. I made up my mind brother, What will you choose?
  5. Howdy folks, During one of the many hours that me and countless other youthlings are forced to waste in public schools, I was able to take philosophy classes. Before I get into it, let me give you just a little more information about schooling over here. Since I do not live in the states,(I live in the Netherlands) the public school system here works like this (in a nutshell): age 4-12 -> Primary school age 12-17 -> Middle school (middle school varies from 4 to 6 years depending on education) To get to the point: I had a discussion with my fellow students on getting a higher education after middle school. Personally I do not believe Higher education in it's current state is a worthy investment. If more than half of higher education students drop out in their first year, the entry requirements are way too easy on letting people in. I had also taken part in a participation day for the History Teacher education. There was a flag of the soviet union in the teachers' room, along with clear anti-right wing statements on the wall. There clearly was a political bias as I expected there to be. Thanks to the Internet, I can access way more information and certainly more political views than I would probably get at High Schools. Seeing as my past 14 years of Public schooling have not thaught me anything about life, economy and surviving in a free market, I find it hard to believe that a higher education will. Also: who wants all this student debt. Because attending school is mandatory until the age of 18 and most folks finish public schooling at age 17, everyone is basically forced into higher education. I have learned more about the economy in 10 hours on the internet then over 2 years of economics class did. I finally have knowledge on how to increase my economic worth. Why would I enslave myself with debt and waste another 4 years of my life when I can find all of the knowledge, for FREE, on the internet. Is higher education worth the thousands of Euro's? No, I don't think so. Higher education has failed to compete against the internet. Their legacy depends on government influence and public ignorance. Of course I was ridiculed for my stance, neither my fellow student nor the teacher was able to bring up an argument besides "The only way to survive in this economy is with a diploma". This argument is, of course, ridiculous. If a piece of paper is the only thing that defines whether or not you'll be successful, then truly the world needs some fixing. I would really like to hear your thoughts on this. Has higher education lost it's value?
  6. Hey folks, I recently came across an archived post on Reddit ( https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/comments/4cqnf4/how_would_a_criminal_justice_system_operate_under/ ) This question arose to my mind soon after reading the post: "In a voluntary society, would it be righteous for Justice to be a commodity to be bought and sold?" Justice should be a punishment for those found guilty of doing harm upon another. I would like to argue that an eye for an eye is probably the fairest punishment one can receive. If a thief were to steal property worth $500 and damages your property for another $200, you in your right mind of course want those $700 dollars returned (IE by repairs to your property and the return of the stolen items). This example excludes possible physical or mental damage to the victim. The victim(s) get the total amount of damage done by the perpetrator returned by no-one but the perpetrator for he is responsible for the damage caused to the victim(s). The Incentive to commit a crime must, of course, never be high enough that the benefits of doing harm unto another or their property outweighs the benefits of abstaining criminality. Therefore it must be necessary to make it as hard and un-incentivizing as possible for the criminal to commit a crime. If there was a high chance that your break-in would result in your death, you'd have to be astonishingly dumb or desperate to still commit the crime. Short cost-gain analysis: I am of the belief that in a free society, spirituality, economics and justice/state should all be separated from each other. We have seen (and still see) what atrocities have been committed if spirituality gets woven into justice/state part of society (see the Jihad). We can also currently observe what happens to economics when Justice/state enters that part of our society (welfare states, socialism, the EU, etc.) Therefore I believe that, if we, the people, were to reform the nation states to ensure that justice and national safety will not influence or be influenced by spirituality or economics, then this would mean that a separation of state and economics is required. If the state may not interfere with economics then the economy should on their part not influence the state. Don't throw a rock at someone if you don't want them to throw one towards you. Now to get into the funding of the Justice/state, I believe this would have to be voluntary just as everything else in society. Since, I am safe to assume, basically everyone wants some sort of protection and form of justice. The Justice system/state will have to prove invaluable to the people, therefore outweighing the benefits of not paying for it's service. Anyway those are my thoughts on the subject, I would take great pleasure in hearing yours. Stay free, Brodaviing
  7. Hey folks, The video "Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian" is hidden or blocked in my Country (NL) I was wondering if anyone has a mirror or URL to the video so I can watch it anyway. Maybe it's available on another platform? Nevertheless I will continue my search as well, were I to find a mirror myself I'll edit the post. Thanks in advance folks. Stay free, -Brodaviing
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