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Everything posted by agentcallisto

  1. Thanks! Been a member for ages, just haven't done much other than lurk.
  2. As the title indicates, I'm on the hunt for an old episode of the show in which Stef was talking to a woman about her marriage, in which she and her husband functioned under very traditional roles. She described him tackling family issues by taking her input, and then ultimately being the one to make the decision. I remember her saying something like it was a structure that people often misunderstand and think she's being oppressed, but it was what worked for them and she felt secure and trusted her husband. She gave the example of if the family were to move, that was primarily his decision because he was the one with the job and providing the resources. She had final say over household and child-rearing things. Something like that. I was under the impression that this was an interview show, not a call-in, but I could be wrong. And I'm not thinking of the Suzanne Venker episodes, those were the first I looked up. Ballpark early 2016, is what I'm thinking for when it came out. I've combed over the show logs, but I just can't seem to locate it. Does anyone remember the show I'm talking about?
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