Well since God created us all, God displays the ultimate in artistic content, for everyone is represented, also if God fails at anything, who would know? God would know as God knows everything. God may have created many people prone God's creation of sentient beings (like you), were created with free will to think, do, and create what you will. to resenting anyone who can do anything really well, "resentment" is a nonproductive choice. just to find out if they might self right and worry about there own failings first then get on Gods case, God does not judge. He observes as his creations evolve and learn as we adjust our choices based on the consequences of our right and wrong choices. also the very concept of failure and the ability to see it is also Gods work, Right, and if we seek success, we will find it if we correct the choices we made that produced failure. and those who think God isnt real and creation was a super snowball into a souper original recipe soup with a spark of chance to set it on fire, that is Gods hand right there, or I think so anyway, does anyone wonder how we can think We can think, and the fact is confirmed by observing that we can think about thinking. The question of the process of how is a question for God, the question of what we think and what we create from our thought is totally up to the individual. and what is actually going on there? God knows how that works, Right, and we will also know as we chose to become closer to God. I think.I could be wrong of course, but dont think I am.
Peter Erbe: God I AM, "Ask not: Who or What is God? Ask: Who or What is He not?
Is the Universe rational? Demonstrably it is, as we all know, otherwise why do we seek knowledge in any sphere, in any area of science, except to discover how the Universe works. I believe in God because I believe in rationality! And as only a sentient being can express, demonstrate, or create rationality, then the Universe is a sentient Being -- IE.: GOD. The Universe is God. This concept cannot be grasped by those who want to anthropomorphize God.