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Everything posted by sicrobb0

  1. NO PROBLEM, I don't like any of those in the first place, but I will let all my friends know that. also, don't under any circumstance buy an AUDI!
  2. Gentlemen, This is another just amazing video! Stef, Mike please do more and more history truths, this is only a request. I honestly get so much from these, including the place I can go and read about them for myself afterward. provided the information in this video, I see that we both agree that communism is the worst thing in history, and its sad that people still support the s#$%. I personally just want the government off my back, out of my house, and out of my pocket!
  3. WASATCHMAN, I obviously misunderstood what you wrote. I do not disagree with the premises. I see now you were being a bit more satirical than what I took as a true political position. I think I came in assuming that you were arguing for democratic fascism. even reading this a second time, I still find myself thinking you are arguing for democratic fascism, but I see how you are making fun of democratic socialist hiding behind the idea of democratic... I guess my initial response was very haphazardly put forth. I guess the big thing that I didn't understand that how much of this post was satire.
  4. maybe I'm misunderstanding the question you asked, but in a real barney terminology. you are asking whether we are in control of our own conscience thoughts or is other things such as god, our peers, our sub conscience, or other stimuli. or even does any of these things control your human mind. I hope that's what you are asking, but ill answer the question this way. I believe our conscience thoughts are made by 3 categories of relevance to the control of that thought. 1) being our life experience and social interactions. (I include all outside stimuli in this) 2) being our own IQ and Self Knowledge ( I include the subconscious in the this category, it deals with all things inside) 3) being from our spiritual self, or worldly self (I include god/freewill/other effects of spirit in this category) These categories I say the basis for all thoughts and reasoning. are we in control of these or they in control of us? that to me isn't the correct question. honestly, the question should only be, if these things make up our thoughts how can we better control these inputs/outputs? My thoughts on freewill or determination is honestly, whatever makes you sleep better at night. I can't put forth evidence of either and so therefore I can't put forth a true answer that won't negate my own bias.
  5. sorry guy, I have truly had enough of Fascism literally for the rest of my life, pretty much we have had fascism for the last 30 years, only just a taste. so your arguments, do not persuade me to give up my freedom for authoritarian control(which we both know is what happens eventually, there is a such thing as democratic tyranny) anyways good luck with your insane agenda, I think im going to sit on the side of constitutional republic with free market capitalism.
  6. Californiacoaster, I truly empathize with your situation. The honest to god truth, is really encourage your GF to talk with her parents about letting her live her life. a good way to talk about this is to simply ask (her parents) Do you believe you raised me to be a smart and loving girl? Do you believe I have the ability to make the decisions of my own life? (they will probably say no, she can easily counter with, well what could you have done to provide me with the steps I need to do these?) these are loaded questions, but these questions would be some to allow your GF room to move from the emotional trap that her parents are putting her in. Personally, I would sit your GF down and ask her rhetorical questions. Questions that are deep and emotionally enhancing. secondly, this is your GF's life and time in life to determine the person she wants to be and wants to live like. Her parents only laid the foundation, now its time for her to build the house. She needs to let them know that she loves them and thanks them for all that she has become, but she needs to make her own decisions and she needs to make her mistakes. personally, you also need to determine whether she is worth fighting for. I know this from personal experience, my wife and I have had a long and hard road to walk. but for me she was worth it, I knew I loved her from the first 2 weeks we dated. things get difficult i9n a relationship already. bringing her parents drama into it as well makes things harder, I am sure your GF loves her parents, but she is being stressed out from them over you or at least that's the way you perceive it, She absolutely needs to let them know that she will make her own decisions and that if they love her they will allow her to also make her own mistakes.
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