I truly empathize with your situation. The honest to god truth, is really encourage your GF to talk with her parents about letting her live her life. a good way to talk about this is to simply ask (her parents) Do you believe you raised me to be a smart and loving girl? Do you believe I have the ability to make the decisions of my own life? (they will probably say no, she can easily counter with, well what could you have done to provide me with the steps I need to do these?) these are loaded questions, but these questions would be some to allow your GF room to move from the emotional trap that her parents are putting her in. Personally, I would sit your GF down and ask her rhetorical questions. Questions that are deep and emotionally enhancing. secondly, this is your GF's life and time in life to determine the person she wants to be and wants to live like. Her parents only laid the foundation, now its time for her to build the house. She needs to let them know that she loves them and thanks them for all that she has become, but she needs to make her own decisions and she needs to make her mistakes. personally, you also need to determine whether she is worth fighting for. I know this from personal experience, my wife and I have had a long and hard road to walk. but for me she was worth it, I knew I loved her from the first 2 weeks we dated. things get difficult i9n a relationship already. bringing her parents drama into it as well makes things harder, I am sure your GF loves her parents, but she is being stressed out from them over you or at least that's the way you perceive it, She absolutely needs to let them know that she will make her own decisions and that if they love her they will allow her to also make her own mistakes.