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  1. Youtube have placed video published by The Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration titled "Europe opens their eyes and admits we were right" into restricted mode preventing it from gaining attention. EDIT ( 7 december 2017 ) - Youtube removed video from restricted mode a day after Angry Foreigner released his video.
  2. Damian

    How to think?

    What skills need to be mastered in order to become a good thinker and how to test wether we've mastered them? The basic skills that I think are required to be a thinker are adherence to facts, logic and ability to recognize sophistry on the spot; though I don't now how to train them and test wether I mastered them. What do you think?
  3. I've only added those sources after your post. Your scepticism is the reason why my argument became better. Thank you for that as well.
  4. Mishi2 - I'm adding links to three articles claiming that: - Her jaw was broken in 2 places - Quote from the beaten girl - "What happened was to teach me a lesson. She told the others that I had ripped a woman's headscarf off, and they all flew into a rage." Only in islam beating the shit out of a girl could be justified by claiming she took someones headscarf off. I couldn't find the evidence of what she was punished for. Since video was filmed by one of opressors I dedude that they felt justified in beating her, and that it must have been a transgression against sharia law since only it could justify initiation of violence against a girl. Sources ( I'm adding them to 1st post too ): http://www.thelocal.at/20161115/teen-victim-speaks-out-after-shocking-video-of-beating https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heute.at%2Fnews%2Foesterreich%2Fwien%2Fchronik%2FWarum-Pruegel-Opfer-Patricia-17-sich-nicht-wehrte%3Bart85950%2C1368611&sandbox=1 https://kurier.at/chronik/wien/jugendliche-schlugen-auf-maedchen-ein-und-stellten-video-ins-netz/230.491.268
  5. "A German court has ruled that a group of Islamists did not break the law in forming “sharia police” street patrols and telling people to stop drinking, gambling and listening to music." The city’s district court ruled that the seven accused members of the group did not breach a ban on political uniforms when they approached people while wearing orange vests bearing the words “Sharia Police", while claiming they weren't sufficiently "militant of intimidating".-The Guardian "The vigilantes were led by convert Sven Lau who is simultaneously on trial for backing “a terrorist group” fighting in Syria." - Breitbart More sharia police were reported in other countries: "So-called “sharia patrols” by sometimes violent radical young Salafists have also been seen in other European cities such as London, Copenhagen and Hamburg." - The Guardian "A number of bars in Denmark are reporting daily harassment by migrant sharia patrols" - Breitbart And here is an exmaple of how this kind of sharia patrol looks like: Muslim patrol - the truth about saturday night out: A 15 year old Polish girl living in Austria getting beaten / punished "What happened was to teach me a lesson. She told the others that I had ripped a woman's headscarf off, and they all flew into a rage." - The comment of a victim. According to the policeman quote in Heute news website the motive was a dissagreement. I deduce that it has to do with breaking shariah law since oppresors must have felt justified to act the way they did because they filmed it and only islam would advocate initiation of violence against a girl as a punishment for taking someones headscart off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RvuyP4bCl0 Sources: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/11/22/german-court-says-islamic-sharia-patrol-legal/ http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/13/bar-owners-appeal-police-protection-sharia-patrols-smash-premises-announce-alcohol-ban/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/21/germany-sharia-police-court-ruling http://www.thelocal.at/20161115/teen-victim-speaks-out-after-shocking-video-of-beating https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heute.at%2Fnews%2Foesterreich%2Fwien%2Fchronik%2FWarum-Pruegel-Opfer-Patricia-17-sich-nicht-wehrte%3Bart85950%2C1368611 https://kurier.at/chronik/wien/jugendliche-schlugen-auf-maedchen-ein-und-stellten-video-ins-netz/230.491.268( sorry for not posting english translation - translator refused to cooperate ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WslaoxH6MIA ~ 9:45
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