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  1. I wish Steph could read this, but anyhow I'd like to give my point of view or experiences in regards to this. Obviously I loved movies growing up, but as I got older and more cynical I started to see the corrosive effect they have on society, and I sort of 'checked out' of watching newer movies. All I could see was actors acting against a fake backdrop; the stories didn't matter to me anymore. All I could see was my own cynicism reflected back at me from the screen. Since I 'talk to the screen' when I watch movies with me wife, soon she was in the same boat. Anyhow, it was around this time (maybe 6 years ago) that I started to watch more Molyneux, and spend my time watching things that challenge me, or make me smarter, or help me learn things. I've always had a love for Star Wars, since I was 9 years old, my single mother used to leave me home alone well into the evening. I would watch Star Wars and I can't express how thankful I am for that world George Lucas built. It saved me from being a lonely kid by myself; and gave me a world I could unleash my imagination in. I read all the books as I got older, played the games, and the universe was fleshed out and alive. Then one day J.J. Abrams came along and with one fell swoop of a pen decided everything I had spent my life reading and enjoying was no longer canon and his shitty 'reboot' movies were now Star Wars. I was so bitter, I just refuse to watch any of the new movies. Even for free. Add to that a movie on my Top 3 fav list: Master and Commander. A movie so flawlessly dedicated to the source material, incredible acting, the whole 9 yards. Made by Weinstein. Shit. I guess it doesn't take away from how good the movie is, but i will always have a sinking feeling in my stomach while watching it. P.S. I miss that mall too, I had many good memories there
  2. Let's try having an actual discussion. That was a weak response
  3. This is the kind of low tier post I would see on a place like /r/thedonald Are you for real? What does rules for radicals have to do with Google being a Social Marxist piece of filth? Amazon the same? I question why Molyneux doesn't support alternate methods to get his message out. You're apparently just here to make stupid comments
  4. Just a thought I had. Amazon is a bastion of the regressive left, yet Stefan sells his book there. Youtube is a cancer on the internet, but Stefan uses it to push his videos. I know they're not monetized, but he's still driving hundreds of thousands of users to the site. What are your thoughts on this?
  5. Jordan Peterson was an excellent guest. I can't comment on the original spiwit of the question, I have no clue who's smarter but the two of them talking was great.
  6. Watched this one last night, and one moment stuck in my head. There was a reference made to Churchill, around the 38 minute mark and his time 'in the wilderness'. The reference implied that if you have an idea that is correct, but socially unacceptable at the time you may be outcast until reality proves you right. My argument for this would be that Churchill wasn't 'in the wilderness' because of a moral conviction, or an idea he had. He was broke, of no value to anyone, terrible with his money and politically washed up. He got out of the wilderness because the focus group exchanged money and political favour in return for agitation against Germany. I'd love to see a video on Churchill, I think he was the worst thing that ever happened to the history of the British people, I'm curious if Stefan would come to the same conclusion.
  7. I don't think you can list bullet points as a guide on 'what to do to save western civilization' For example not consuming alcohol or finishing school (Which I disagree with) may help you personally lead a better life, but in the context of saving an entire civilization and destroying the welfare state; it won't do much. In fact in the case of finishing school you'd be hurting your own cause. You seem to be simplifying a very complex thing (human life which is complicated already) multiply it by the thousands of cultures, hundreds of millions of people, that consist of the West, into a bullet point list. I have a suggestion. If you want to save the west, make yourself the best western man you can be. That way, instead of telling people what you think they should be doing... They'll ask you what you did to be the human titan that you are. Women will tell you how lucky your wife must be to be with you. Men will ask you what you did to be so successful. Kids will want to be just like you when they grow up. Your words will have gravitas, and if your way of life is successful, it will replicate itself and spread.
  8. The forum is K-Selected.
  9. This is bang on. It's also exactly why we need to start forming closer bonds with each other, reaching out to communities, and getting the message out there.
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