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Green Mountain Boys

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Everything posted by Green Mountain Boys

  1. It's weird how ideologies are starting to become 'the holiest of them all', except ad lib holiest with diverse, oppressed, or least racist. I watched the Basic Bro/Basic Bitch videos (by College Humor), the point is these are people who are widespread, all think alike to a point where they are all clones, think they are cool or edgy and don't realize that they are bland people with no personality, only a reflection of who they circle themselves around. I feel like these people have dropped their personality and morals to be encompassed in a culture to be 'right' without question what is right. Doesn't seem like there are many questions at all, only their way or it is wrong.
  2. The problem is that working in childcare is a really hard place to hire for because of the high turnover rate. So if you can hire someone who knows how to change a diaper, give them food and put them to nap, you're qualified. Better to have a monitor than no one at all. This may change, in some states to work in child care you must be pursuing or have a BA in child development or related education. But let's be honest, what child care can afford to hire all employees with degrees while not increasing the already hi child care rates. Either we get bad employees who hurt our children or don't teach them correctly, or we get good teachers but no one can afford them.
  3. I watched the video and saw an entire house built in a day for 10k. This is awful news. Trucks will soon be automated, Large houses built in a week, agriculture fully automated, all being done without a plan to do anything with the people who will be unemployed from the technological innovation. People have always said "there will be a need for X job for humans to do", I am wondering how long that will be true.
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