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Carl Killough

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  1. It's easier for these 'friends' of yous to feel virtuous by denying the fact that you know something about your husband, your relationship, and the world than it is for them to deal with the fact that that accepting your side would mean a full re-evaluation of their world view. That's way too much chaos for most people to handle. So they will smudge the mirror you are holding up in their face to feel okay in the world.
  2. Maybe a small seed for those who stumble upon rationalwiki that just points to the videos Steph has already done? eh...probably a waste of time...anyone that wants to hear 'both sides' will seek out and look at Steph's actual words and work rather than finding a convenient answer in a BS wiki that satisfies cognitive dissonance and lets them keep their world view. After all, that's so much easier to do...if they stop there, they won't get it anyway even if they listen. World view changing logic takes time...at least it did on me. And Steph doesn't exactly employ all the sophist techniques of ethos and pathos that he could if he wanted to go hunting down the opposition. And nor should he want to. But the fact that Steph isn't going anywhere, and more and more people are listening, might force Logos in their face in the future.
  3. How much of yourself have you externalized? I have a friend that has externalized himself so much that he sees himself in 3rd person memories all the time. He said it was like looking down at himself from a security camera. (I think he had a very traumatic childhood...) He's also wicked smart. Oddly enough, it would still be himself that he would ask forgiveness from....wait, no, that's not odd. If he can see himself as a different person, then of course he would ask himself. Maybe it's those of us who have not...managed?...decided to? ...been fortunate enough not to have to.... I really am not sure of the right word to use here... externalize ourselves at all that need outside forgiveness, especially from a source we typically view as being an all powerful father.
  4. I made a video response to it, but it's really just me raging at the camera. I don't want to litter the forums with links. You can PM me if you want a link.
  5. I haven't been this angry in a LONG time. Something is really broken here. So I watched this video on Facebook from USA Today What a fine bunch of totalitarian promoters we have there, let me tell you. It shows a young boy opening his birthday present. Mom is filming. Inside a box he sees a note. His dad has been gone a long time and wrote him a letter saying that he was going to miss his son's birthday. The boy cries. He keeps opening more boxes. He's getting frustrated. Last box has a note. "Why all these boxes for one note?" He says, exasperated, and upset. The note says "Surprise." Dad steps around the corner in his military garb. The young boy runs into his fathers arms, tears streaming down his face. WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL ARE THESE PARENTS THINKING?! That it's funny? That it would be a 'neat surprise?!' You want to surprise your child, then come home and surprise him. Don't torture his emotions with disappointment, and loss.....and heartbreak. Tell the truth, especially to young kids! I go to the USA TODAY Facebook page and click the angry button. ----an error message. I click again. -----I've been locked out of my account. *RAGE MODE ENGAGE* Fuck you manipulating asshole parents. Stop lying to your son! He's not there for you to get a viral video. Fuck you USA TODAY for promoting this absolute horror of induced childhood trauma. Fuck you Facebook and your bullshit auto-lock algorithms. Fuck you politicians for promoting needless wars in shithole deserts on the other side of the world. Fuck you military industrial complex. Our fathers need to be at home with their kids. Not bleeding out in a senseless war. Fuck you whatever slimy worm military shill thought it was a good idea to promote WAR with a CHILD! And Dads, if you make the choice to leave your home to go kill strangers, rather than teach your sons and daughters how to orient themselves properly in the world, FUCK YOU TOO! Do the right God Damned thing. If you have children, you do EVERYTHING you can to be with them And fuck every obstacle that gets in the way of children having a father. -------------- ....oh and guess what. The USATODAY comment section is a facebook plug in. Talk about a god damned circle jerk. I am angry, but USA TODAY articles are immune from the angry face it seems. Do me a favor if you hate facebook and the MSM. Go click angry on this with your FB account and see if you get locked out. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/militarykind/2018/05/02/birthday-surprise-air-force-dad-turns-sad-tears-into-happy-ones/574501002/ There was one glimer of hope. At least the comment section below the video was full of people just as pissed as I was. Probably not for the whole Dad not being at home thing, but at least they got that it was a dick move.
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