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  1. I assume mods didn't approve of the contents. What a poor choice on their part.
  2. Wow, it's almost like ice thicknesss has something to do with the snow deposit. "East - west winds" with thickest ice reported on western shelf. You can't just cherry pick statistics.
  3. You don't have to compromise your child's education at the expense of your geographical societals expectations.
  4. Why are you interjecting in somebody elses life choices? So what she wants to wait to have kids? Why is it imperative you tell her otherwise?
  5. It is good to speak up in the presence of wrongdoing. Don't be a pussy.
  6. What?! A TV show follows normative societal trends? Impossible! It's a show bro, it is going to conform to its base.
  7. You don't. The process of re-definition allows for words to be more useful and new words to emerge to more accurately describe a thing. Words are just tools that evolve over time. There is no way to combat efficiency.
  8. Just Be. Stop worrying about what some guy says and just live. Don't worry, you will die time existing or not.
  9. os.motic


    I see it as the mental capacity to accurately distill sense data into a logical framework you build off of.
  10. What do you mean by the good life? What in your opinion is a good life?
  11. If you care to take the time, I would like to hear your argument for the existence of souls.
  12. Possibly, but that does not answer why there must be a basal substrate that is essentially the barcode version of you.
  13. I was just joshing, not trying to call you a liar.
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