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High IQ but struggle to understand concepts and ideas
PureSodiumDiet replied to Crusader1986's topic in General Messages
This reeks of emotional trauma. I had similar feels a while ago and the way I started working through it was by deciding to adamantly learn something totally new (in my case math). Some skills just take time to grow on you. The only solution I see is proving to yourself that you can do it, and get out of your head a little. Drink a beer to calm down or something, most of the stuff you read will still stick. -
I hope the title isn't as eyecatching as it is meaningful to what I feel and have encountered: In Austria we have pseudo socialized healthcare, if you aren't employed and don't have some sort of excuse (studying at university, minor, handicap, etc) you have to privately sign up to pay for health insurance. The cheapest option in my case is roughly 400€ monthly (the maximum amount they can charge) which doesn't include the state-pension (both combined would run you around 1000€ monthly which is nearly a minimum wage 40h/week). Both systems are transfer systems by nature, your money isn't actually pooled for you to use later, it's just immediately passed on to the expensive healthcare tourists, immigrant descended (I've heard rumors that around half the healthcare costs incurred in Vienna are due to immigrants and chiefly because of their defective infants as a result of consanguinity in their ethnic populations), and in the case of your "pension", it feeds some person you don't know until they keel over. So not being insured doesn't sound that terrible right? Well, in the fine print of socialized healthcare (which no one bothered to read when the electorate decided to pass this law in a frenzy of feel good emotions decades ago) if you don't have health insurance and you can't pay your bills the government is empowered to come chase down everyone you are related to or have a connection with and to financially eviscerate them until the costs are accounted for. There is no way to waive this: both as the uninsured party as well as the unsuspecting party who is about to get taken for their money's worth. As you can imagine healthcare costs far too much because practically everyone is allowed access to it. What inspired the following thought was when Stefan described something incredible about the nature of NASA in one of his recent podcasts, specifically how publicly funding science is unjustifiable when people are starving to death in the streets (I'm paraphrasing but I believe that to be around 90% accurate). Assuming we accept a welfare state as a given (even though I hate it), surely it would at least try to give the impression that it cares about it's in-group. The absolute worst aftertaste comes after reading budget reports and newspaper articles of how many billion euros these "refugees" are costing the Austrian government. Mind you these are roughly 100 000 people who have gotten around 2.2 bn € allocated to them from the government for this year alone. The democratic option? All of them socialist, just depends on whether the "immigration" box is checked or not. Sure this inspires the deliberation: the world doesn't owe you shit, so to speak. If we take that for granted, then how come you are supposed to owe the world a whole lot of your shit (40% income tax, 20% VAT, a myriad of smaller fun taxes, payroll tax, healthcare contribution, pension contribution)? I just find it funny how if we lived in a world where you truly were owed nothing, there wouldn't be a state this size. I can only give these retorts, crude as they are: in response to "well you need to pay into the social system, what if something happens to you?": private insurance or alternatively no insurance, using debit to afford any services you might need (especially good for young healthy people). in response to "when you're old you don't want to work anymore and can't, who should pay for it?": investing the money on your own, having children and nurturing your relationship so they would care about you when you age. Honestly sometimes my disdain for the boomers and their insecurity about their retirement gets to the point where I would want them to work until the day they die for what they have done (drowning Europe in debt and ethnic conflict). It's also impossible to point out that the "safety net" only works with certain racial groups as the boomers have eaten up the egalitarian nonsense both for the sexes and for the races. Another point I've come up with recently has to do with socialism and voluntaryism, specifically I engaged a lefty who retorted "well not enough people would care/pay money if welfare was privatized", to which I responded "find a way to convince more people or accept that your ideas aren't interesting". I've distilled it since into this: socialists have already admitted to themselves that voluntary participation in the welfare state is impossible and as such don't consider the option and will force involuntary participation upon everyone whether they like it or not. Some days I despair believing the fight to be lost, other days I get the idea to stand for election (and conveniently there is one soon) with one simple promise: to eradicate the welfare state. Roughly 43% of the GDP flows into the state annually (150 bn €), this works out to 17 000 € per Austrian citizen annually. State expenses include 23 billion euros to run a government for 8.5 mn people (that's 2 700 € per citizen) of which 8 bn are to pay interest on the public debt, 2 bn for defense (our military is depleted), 4 bn for the police&firefighters (includes courts of law and prisons), 28 bn for healthcare, 17.5 bn to run the public schools, and now finally for the real superstar: 76.2 bn € for the social welfare state of which 45 bn € are age-related costs (pensions). Am I correct in understanding that my freedom of association is denied when I am forced to pay taxes for a bunch of people whom I don't personally know? What is there to do in a country that you feel compelled to save from it's demise yet cannot find anything worth saving in? All I see are the selfish, the childless, the racially foreign, and the lesser violent (those who advocate big government) and the greater violent (those who advocate positivist human rights and the EU). For anyone seeking a quick political overview of Austria: (Large) SPÖ, Socialist Democrats of Austria; naturally left leaning and pro-EU, currently collapsing due to internal power struggle (Large) ÖVP, Austrian Peoples Party; was once genuinely conservative but has lost its core ideology and they have become sporadic in their ideas and associations, also collapsing due to a power struggle (Large) FPÖ, Austrian "Freedom" Party; these guys actually caused Austria to get sanctioned by the EU for poising the chancellor (an anti-EU man named Jörg Haider), have since become socialist but without immigration, also has a tinge of civic nationalism and regarded as "nazis" in the state-run media (Small) Grüne, Green Party; customed Marxists LARPing as treehuggers, they think cars should be illegal. (Small) Team Stronach, their head of party repeatedly tries bringing the ethnic angle into view but gets shot down as racist and excluded from TV debates. Also pretty left leaning. (Small) NEOS, some splinter faction of the more left leaning elements of the ÖVP, these guys are close to the greens. Voting demographics: The biggest voting block are the boomers split between the SPÖ and ÖVP according to how poor/wealthy they are, respectively. Then you've got the millennials (30-50) which are spread pretty evenly across the board. The younger the voters the more "extreme" they are (polarization between the greens and the FPÖ). I'm sorry if its been a little ranty, I'm just disparaged. In April I posted about the relative crime rates of the Austrian population and the asylum seekers and I am working at turning that into a leaflet in hopes of "memeing" the parliamentary elections this fall, but I'm skeptical given the responses I've gotten when I presented my findings to a number of different audiences. Cheers lads.
In true judeo-bolshevik fashion they want to erase Sweden's history so they can recreate it in their own image.
My memory might be failing me but I don't remember Hitler's childhood being described as particularly violent. His mother worried about him and his father (before his death) would abuse Hitler, the extent of which has slipped my mind. However I would posit that Hitler wasn't a cold hearted tyrant, but instead a benevolent dictator to those whom he viewed favorably in his Germany. What sets him apart from other dictators is that he actually had in his mind an audience great enough to encompass the majority of the German population, a majority so large that it extended across the political borders to all other ethnic Germans in Europe. If we compare him to Stalin, all we see is greed and lust for power, his "audience" being the triple digit number of commissars and various bureaucrats that lived in luxury thanks to theft. Under Stalin you were a subject of no importance, under Hitler (and assuming you were German) you were a component to the community, firstly the one you grew up in and secondly to your entire race. Hitlerite socialism was designed to create tightly knit communities that worked as units, rather than trying to amalgamate an entire country's population into "one big family", as Marxian socialism does. The core difference again being that in Stalin's wake you can't really see a clear pattern of victims (perhaps they were Slavs more than anything else, and christians), whereas Hitler approached the matter with extreme precision. I don't really know about "hiding things from yourself to justify them". People who do this with themselves generally don't end up with the mental stature necessary to become great politicians, at the very least not without heavy drug abuse.
Yeah takes a total idiot to create a new political ideology, persuade millions of voters, and then end up running Germany the way he dreamt of running it. I should just become an unthinking automaton and not worry about my aspirations.
The other side of what coin? This is so grossly inaccurate I don't even know where to begin. They hate him for his ideas. Make sure that it is the Stalag translation, the only official English translation ever published. Worry for his own Volk, not his own species. Just wait until you get to the chapter about Nation and Race. You're in for a bumpy ride.
The Deadline for Civilization Collapse: November 3rd, 2020
PureSodiumDiet replied to jroseland's topic in General Messages
The increase in money printing has lead to inflation. In the 10 years passed your money has lost about 1/3 of it's purchasing power However, I don't think that 2020 will be the year, it's too soon. I predict that the collapse will come at the latest by 2030 (although possibly in the mid 2020s) because that is when all the boomers retire and cause the upside down pyramid welfare scheme to finally collapse. A few years ago I thought my mom was joking when she said they would stick her into a meatgrinder after retirement, I think she's right now.- 27 replies
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Asylee Crime in Austria (Statistics Inside)
PureSodiumDiet replied to PureSodiumDiet's topic in General Messages
It's like kids putting their hands on their eyes going "I can't see you so you can't see me!!!". I have to reiterate that I do not have racial statistics, all I have done is compared two demographic groups ("Austrian" which actually includes non-Austrian citizens committing crimes in Austria but do not have the asylee status like say a French tourist or similar, and "Asylee"). We can of course investigate both demographic groups to make out some vague racial descriptions, in the case of the asylee statistics this was simple (it came with a table of the perpetrators nationalities, of which I listed the biggest 7 groups), and in the case of the Austrian crime 2015 report, I know that in a related PDF the government listed all non-Austrian citizen criminals nationalities which included a lot of Germans (not the kind that likes pork and beer). Around half of all crime committed in Austria is committed by non-citizens. -
Asylee Crime in Austria (Statistics Inside)
PureSodiumDiet replied to PureSodiumDiet's topic in General Messages
Unfortunately not, what prompted me to compile the statistics and release them here is because Stefan has done presentations of crime statistics before on Youtube and expressed interest in Austria with his videos about the Austrian election (where unfortunately, the establishment won and the people lost). Our new president even managed to embarrass us on the world stage, wearing a suit and tie to a dinner party (with strict dresscode) he was hosting. I guess I can look into dropping it in some smaller/right wing news outlets email inboxes, but I doubt it'll gain much traction (and I'm also looking to have people scrutinize the presentation of the data, all my friends whom I've shown this in person agreed that it's great and well done but still, you never know when you make a mistake). -
Hi everyone! I speak German fluently and a few weeks ago the Austrian government released a crime report on Asylum Seeker crime in 2016. I have decided to translate this report in a somewhat abridged form (lumping together fraud, assault, and drug crimes) because I felt this information needs to be available in English. Some key points: Austria's Population is 8 500 000 (roughly). 2016 saw 270 160 suspects identified. 2016 saw 22 289 asylee perpetrators. 2015 saw 250 618 suspects identified. Asylee population in Austria is roughly 150 000 to 200 000 (this is without question an overestimate, so bear in mind that most numbers below are optimistic). This means that: Roughly 9% of all 2016 suspects were asylees. Roughly 11% of all asylees are perpetrators. At 200K of 8500K, they are 2.4% of the population committing 9% of the crime. Asylee age groups 14-20 and 24-39 account for about 8200 perpetrators each, for a total of 16546 in those two groups (roughly 3/4s of the total). Noteworthy are that 299 perpetrators are in age groups 0-13. Another 3894 populate 21-24 and the final 1550 in 40+ years old. Unsurprisingly the Austrian capital and metropolis Vienna contains 9441 of these perpetrators. StGB is the abbreviation for "Strafgesetzbuch", or the Austrian criminal code. The "big 5" perpetrator groups, plus 2 bonus groups Afghanistan at 5072 perpetrators Algeria at 2999 Morocco at 2219 Nigeria at 2137 Syria at 1549 Russia at 1223 Iraq at 1153 These 7 nationalities comprise 16352 of the perpetrators, or 73% of the total. In the attached image of an Excel spreadsheet, I picked out some of the most important crimes, listed their paragraph in the StGB, the English name of the crime, the Austria total 2015, the asylee specific statistic, a percentage for each crime of how much the asylees are responsible for to quantify their impact on these crimes (working under the assumption that there is no change in Austrian crime volume 2015 -> 2016, of course this isn't the case, but in May we will have better answers), a per capita statistic of the Austria total population, and a per capita statistic for the 200k asylees as well as a column comparing per capita crime (of 22k asylees per capita over 8.5 mn Austrians) and finally a column where the asylee crime stats are doubled (the assumption here is that 2016 asylee population was 100 000 instead of 200 000, thus the doubling). Unfortunately an Austrian crime statistic for 2016 hasn't been published, judging by the previous years this will probably come in May of this year. I am comparing asylee crime 2016 with Austrian total crime 2015. How accurate is this comparison? Well, 2016 didn't see particularly many new arrivals, in addition I don't know what "accepted asylum seekers" are kept as statistically (probably as Austrians rather than asylum seekers since they aren't seeking anymore), so maybe there is an argument to be made for a 2016/2015 being a benchmark comparison. 2015 saw the invasion of "refugees" and I know that the Austrian asylum process is rather slow (taking 9.1 months on average to complete an asylum request), so if the bulk made requests in October then they were probably accepted all throughout 2016 making 2015 the last year where we have numbers of an Austrian criminal landscape without accepted asylum seekers making it too foggy. I will probably remedy my Excel document and statements once the full statistic 2016 hits the internet, but I don't expect any colossal changes. Is the comparison flawed? Somewhat. Is the information therefore useless? No. Different demographic groups have different crime rates as we see in the US. Again this 200k number is an assumption. If it goes down the statistics become drastically worse (as shown by the final rightmost column). If it goes up, it still has a long way to go until it "appears normal" as compared to the Austrian total. Guiding notes: Murder is murder, in additon to the 21 cases of "regular murder", there was one case of manslaughter. Assault charges, our criminal code differentiates between different forms of assault, I have pointed out "regular assault" (violation of someone else's health, injury), "heavy assault" (an injury which takes longer than 24 days to heal or causes the victim to be incapable of working, all assaults on police officers count as this crime), and other assaults. "Raufhandel" is the crime of participating in a Schlägerei, it is when a bunch of people all beat eachother, I believe only the instigators/main perpetrators get the much heavier assault charges while participants get this one instead. I have lumped it in with assault charges. Omitted from Austrian 2015 assault charges were "vehicular manslaughter" since I believe not too many refugees drive cars. Coercion charges are divided into "threats of violence" and "threats of death or torture" (Schwere Nötigung). Forced marriages are a special form of "heavy" coercion. Property damage charges are divided into "breaking someone elses stuff" (basic charges) and the heavier category which include damaging a church, damaging graves at a cemetery, damaging a memorial site or protected site, damaging things of high scientific or cultural value. Finally this also includes property damages in excess of 5 000 €, and there is a jail sentence for property damage in excess of 300 000 €. Theft charges: §127 is basically shoplifting and the like. §128 is stealing something worth more than 5 000 € or exploiting a flood or fire emergency to go steal someone else's belongings. §129 is breaking into an enclosed space (building, warehouse, etc) and/or using a weapon to subdue a person (getting them to surrender) during the breakin §130 is a crime syndicate, these are groups of criminals, or using corporate means to steal things. §131 is robbery Sex crimes: §201 is rape including "removing personal freedoms" from another individual and threatening the use of violence or death. §202 is the "light version" of rape, basically sexual coercion without threats of violence or locking someone in a room. §205 are sexually abused people who are psychologically impaired. §205a is marital rape. §206 is sexual abuse of minors. §207 covers pretty much every dimension of child pornography, production, distribution, possession, and consumption. §218 is sexual harassment, including both harassing other people and public masturbation. -- For the Austrian crime numbers I used the "resolved investigations numbers" (Geklärte Fälle) with the exception of Murder and Rape where I subtracted attempted from total police filings made. One thing to highlight, while 133 112 theft complaints were filed in 2015, only 25 927 were resolved. The Austrian police has simply given up on resolving "petty crime". In the sex crimes section the Austrian statistic didn't differentiate §207 and §207a resulting in a 0 in that field, I assume we can take asylee sex crimes of 207 and 207a together to be 25 (which is what the excel sheet does anyway). Curiously the Austrian 2015 crime statistic did not include falsification charges §223 or §244. I assume these crimes were not perpetrated by Austrians in 2015 for purposes of this analysis based on the fact that an Austrian citizen falsifying a document isn't as bad as a foreign citizen falsifying a Syrian passport as one is to attain illicit entry into our welfare system while the other (Austrian citizen) is already plugged into our system. Unfortunately I could not locate statistics for drug dealing either as they are handled by a different set of laws (the criminal code and it's partnered statistic do not include the drug laws). -- Sources (in German): https://www.parlament.gv.at/PAKT/VHG/XXV/AB/AB_10993/imfname_624337.pdf http://www.bmi.gv.at/cms/BK/publikationen/krim_statistik/2016/Web_Sicherheit_2016.pdf http://www.bmi.gv.at/cms/BMI_Service/SIB_2015/Kriminalitaetsbericht_Statistik_2015.pdf https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=10002296