Well, I was born in Vojvodina (the name Vojvodina exists since 1849 when Habsburgs wanted to buy Serbs to fight against Hungarians) we Hungarians call it Délvidék (ie Southland). Any exact number will be misleading considering the number of different nationalities there. I am Hungarian and I am a member of MENSA and most of my family members could be members as well. By the way I think history of Southland or better Kosovo could teach us many things. For example just check the demographic data of Kosovo for the last 70 yrs. I remember a joke when I was a child in 80's : Kosovo is the most modern part of Yugoslavia, every family has a DC10. On Serbian when You read DC10 means "has ten children". Cheap joke, high price in real life, 'cos it was true, that’s how shiptars (that’s how they call Albanians on the Balkans) outnumbered Serbs on Kosovo.