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  1. Thank you for your input guys I appreciate it. I was originally worried that maybe I was being a bigot but its not the case. To answer your questions why we are friends. I would say because If I want to try and build a bridge to people on the left I best start with people I know. However it just doesn’t seem like it can be done. Our debate still continues and heres the latest: I said: Oh there is no doubt that the government is taking people's feelings Into to account. No debate there. But they really shouldn't be basing decisions off of feelings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then he replied with: If you admit that they DO take feelings into account, then I can no longer say your position is bigoted. I would like to think we can move on, and say you are not a bigot. (I never really thought so, but it felt like you were trying to prove me wrong) So now SHOULD the government contemplate people's feelings? That is an interesting question. I think they have to, to some degree. But it should not be the only factor. I'm starved for an example of some sort... What if (and let's pretend here) climate change was real, and the government decided to scrap all gas cars. Then they decided it would be cheaper not to compensate me for having to buy a new car. My feelings are hurt. Should they care? I think that's a bad example. Moving on.... What if the US government decided that instead of removing confederate statues, they decide to label each statue proudly with a prominent banner that read: Participation Award! Here we celebrate the losers of the war. They gave it their all, but came up short. Would that hurt the feelings of the Daughters of Confederacy? Should anyone care? This has gone on for about 48 emails back and forth. I don’t know what else I can say as I have provided all my evidence and proof but he doesn’t seem to comprehend who decides what feelings are the right ones and its not the duty of the government to take care about feelings. I don’t think there is anything I could say to get my point across. I think this is a waste of my time. I almost feel like he wants me to just drop the topic so he can feel like “he won”
  2. This is my first post Ive ever made on this site. I would like to know what the community thinks. Am I wrong? Am I a bigot and not know it? Ive been having a back and forth conversation with a friend who is left wing. The topic was about if peoples feeling's should be the main focus when making decisions. It started with the Charlottesvile statues being taking down. I don't think people should be trying to use their feelings as a arguement. There is a long chain of emails going back and forth. But eventually I was called a bigot. I realise that I have some grammar and spelling errors I apologise for that. Here was my response to it: ------------------------------------------------------------------ you need to show me where I'm being a bigot so together we can eliminate it if its true. You need to provide me with your evidence. Where exactly am I being obstinate or intolerant? Just because I don't agree with you makes me a bigot? If that's the case then everyone on this planet is a bigot. Because I can say the exact same back at you. Its a moot point. I don't care about peoples feelings, I care about facts, evidence and reason. That doesn't mean i'm not kind to people or I don't have social manners. I mean it in regards to debating about topics. I've already given you my evidence and reasons and I have plenty more if you like, whats your evidence other than saying I might be a bigot. Have you ever considered that maybe I'm correct? Maybe my argument is sound. Show me where in my argument I am incorrect with logic and facts. If my argument is proven to be wrong then the first thing I would do is abandon than argument all together and come up with a better argument/solution. Would you do the same if your''re argument was wrong? And, if I am correct what does that make you? hint it starts with a B again I say all this this with respect Then his response was: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OKExhibit A: Merriam Webster defines a bigot as someone who "... is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ..."reference:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigotExhibit B:Merriam Webster defines obstinate as "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion"reference:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/obstinatelyExhibit C:I stated in a previous email that "The government needs to weigh many people's feelings. If everyone felt a certain way, they would be pressured to act a certain way."Exhibit D:You replied that "[you don't] care about peoples feelings"Exhibit E:An article from not CNN describing the motivation for removing a statue.https://www.cbsnews.com/news/confederate-memorial-removed-maryland-courthouse-ellicott-city/ Conclusion: Despite my sharing that I understands that the government must take into account various viewpoints and feelings of various stakeholders on a given issue, You stubbornly adheres to your opinion that the government must not consider people's feelings. Does this mean that the opposite is also true, and I is being obstinate in suggesting feelings matter? No, because Exhibit E provides evidence to the contrary, where a government official was quoted in saying "It has become increasingly clear in recent weeks that memorials such as this are hurtful to many residents in our community and elsewhere. ... Given these feelings and the tragedy in Charlottesville, I felt compelled to remove this memorial from public property." Based on the evidence provided, and proper use of the word bigot, it is with great regret that I must inform you that saying feelings cannot be considered while weighing options of concern to a large number of people who are governed by a governing body is bigoted. As you have previously stated, you will now abandon your position and consider the impact of government decisions on people feelings. This does not mean that a government must not hurt people feelings, because as there are a great number of people involved, it would be impossible to do anything of significance without impacting someone negatively. Enjoy, PS, for your further enjoyment, you should check out this video from Derrick Muller of Veritasium, in which he makes the for why one should aspire to "Be Hated" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m9E9Ewhack Despite the fact that this man believes that climate change is real, I think you will legitimately appreciate the point he makes in this video. Please ignore that parts about climate change, I am not trying to open that debate with you. I only want you to listen to his main point about the debate and the discussion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I open this to the community. Am i in fact a bigot? Am I misguided? I'd would like to know the communities thoughts on this please Maybe you guys can help see IF and where I am wrong so that I can evolve my thoughts. Thank You
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