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  1. I just wanted to share some YouTube comments I read which completely destroy the speech Sam Harris gave on the "illusion" of free will. I stumbled across this after watching Stefan's debate against the determinist in the video titled "DETERMINISM DEBUNKED". I feel that Stefan made some decent arguments but it left much to be desired, due to the way the caller was framing certain things. Stefan's video: Sam's video: Here are the YouTube comments I'm talking about: Hope you enjoyed these as much as I have.
  2. I don't feel sympathy for him. I feel drawn towards his ideas in regards to recognizing and acting upon a threat which was devastating to his country. I recently watched a documentary titled "The Greatest Story Never Told" and while remaining skeptical, some of the points stated seem fairly logically consistent. For example, the treaties France had imposed on Germany were put in place to destroy their economy and put them back into a deep depression. This is historically accurate, and makes me wonder about other points made in the documentary. I explained - the "Nazi" side. Simply stating something is inaccurate does not make it inaccurate. I think that "They hate him for his ideas." is a gross oversimplification. The media has portrayed Hitler as a Jew hating warmonger while leaving out critical elements which would explain his actions. Again, as mentioned above, I'd recommend checking out "The Greatest Story Never Told". I find it fairly hypocritical that the only nations who are ostracized for looking out for their own "Volk" are those of pasty-complexion origin. The numbers of the holocaust have been proven to be largely inflated, even by those who came up with the original number. Also, in terms of raw mathematics, the logistics of murdering and cremating the number of people implied is physically impossible. I'm not going to go into some holocaust denial rant in this reply, though. I probably already look like a big enough Nazi sympathizer.
  3. MGTOW philosophy denies biology in precisely the same manner that the feminism in which they criticize does.
  4. Avoiding stimulants does not address the root of your issue. The problem here is that you have developed a mindset which places this woman on a pedestal, so to speak. This is entirely invented by your own mind, and each moment you get giddy with emotional reactions such as anxiety/nervousness simply entertains the deluded mindset you've pre-established. There's a great book by Mike Cernovich called "Gorilla Mindset" which addresses this, and it would help you in other aspects of your life as well. I really don't believe that listening to a bunch of absurd pick-up artists will have any benefit to your issue whatsoever, so I'll end with a final statement: In short; she is human, she is not a God. She might look like a leper without makeup on, and her farts possibly stink more than yours do.
  5. Topics such as these really ought to be ignored and not entertained. You're simply drawing attention and energy towards a cause that belongs in an expired pickle jar in your dead grandmothers basement.
  6. I'm 32 and have come across a great struggle with the state of affairs in the Western world. It seems that the pipe dream of a decade old South Park episode is coming into reality at a more than steady pace. That said, after hearing about the bombings on the children at the Ariana Grande concert tonight, I felt myself compelled to look at the other side of the coin, that is, the "nazi" side. What could the national socialists have possibly thought in order to motivate them to the point of war-inflicted suicide? Are any of these thoughts compelling, or is it simply straw man rhetoric that they had used in order to amass an army for their own selfish cause? I decided I would indulge in some literature on the subject, and what better than "My Struggle" by Adolf Hitler. Having never actually read the book, I had become overwhelmed with positive reviews from Amazon. Positive reviews? From a book written by possibly the most hated man in recent history? I succumb to my curiosity and find a free English translation online. After skimming through the first few chapters, a sudden snare of interest had captured my mind; almost as if stepping on a bear trap of intellectual altruism. This book does not appear to be written by a man who would simply wish to sacrifice any soul he could in order to gain the most from a financial or narcissistic standpoint. From what I've gathered thus far, these are the words of an individual who was trapped in an isolation cell of worry for his own species. Despite the fact that this literature was written nearly a century ago, as I read along, the points made seem to speak to even the nearest moment of our own reality. In closing, I'd like to share a quote from the chapter I am currently working through, to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. This quote directly reflects upon some of the philosophy which Stefan articulates, and I find extremely important.
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