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Everything posted by tonk
They were not and are not very good people. i just worry about my children having no family at all. they dont even have aunts or uncles
Why College Sucks - Start a Business or Get a Job
tonk replied to Dylan Lawrence Moore's topic in Education
I really do think this is terrible advice. Like it or not a good degree carries a lot of weight with companies, some wont even look at you without one. everyone has to start somewhere I dont know who on earth would give a broke ex monk 250 grand but it all seems a bit daft to me. As a person who has owned and sold 2 businesses in my 37 years i can tell you, i would never employ anyone who hasn't gotten a degree for any kind of decent job. I would advise to those not wanting to join the rat race to get a vocation, rather than a qualification. You can always fall back on a vocation you can never fall back on nothing. Be a plumber be a good plumber. -
I suppose i should add some of my own demographics. i have a 140+ IQ i was invited to join mensa but im not a joiner really. I don't have friends im very pragmatic in my dealings with people my wife is my best and only friend which is perhaps putting a lot of pressure on her but we get along famously we never fight. We generally agree on most things i suppose i would be considered the compromiser. I score very high on the autistic scale for asperger's but i think that more down to the choices i have made than any disability. I like to keep people at arms length. except for my children whom i shower with affection. i tend to be very focused and obsessive, im currently obsessed with getting a doctorate. im doing a degree in business and management right now just because i had the time and inclination and my wife's salary has enabled it. once i have completed that i will do a psychology degree then get an mba then try and get a doctoral place in marketing. again i have no job in mind or anything i just think the letters after my name will be pretty and i am finding the work load exceedingly easy. im months ahead in my studies so much so that i have started next septembers essays already. Anyway i guess thats that, I dare not think about what i would know now had i applied myself at school and perhaps done university earlier. im currently 37!
I have been thinking about this for quite some time, since last december to be precise. Which is going on 10 months I'll give a bit of back story which once written down seems and quite frankly is horrific. my parents were married 3 times, to each other. yes that means they have been divorced fully with all litigation and nastiness from each other twice. My father had a severe gambling addiction which rendered us homeless as i recall, we lived in a nice house and suddenly had to move over the road into a council house we could see our old house from the grotty council house (a council house is social housing for my foreign friends) my first memory of my mum is of her hoisting me in the air by my leg and beating me with a slipper for wetting the bed, she used to tie the doors upstairs together so me and my sister couldnt get out and go down and see which man she had in the house. i would often go to sleep really needing the toilet and some times would even pee in the corner. i ended up with severe sleep walking until i was around 19. Which abruptly ended when i was punched awake by some poor guy in the next bunk who i decided in my sleep to pee upon (this was in the army). anyway i digress my dad when he was around was very violent to us and my mum. he put her in hospital several times and i remember my sister having to call the police and ambulance when she was 8, which made me 7. my dad was pretty horrendous with me smacks and belts etc until i turned around 12. he was only small 5 foot 3 and at 12 i was probably the same size. from 12 to 16 nothing much happened of import, i drifted into severe drug use and my parents ignored me coming in drunk and drugged up. at 16 realization hit me and i signed up for the army. The army really sorted my sad little life out, and brought out the best in me. i only had 2 sleep walking incidents in my 5 years service. one my platoon commander found me and put me to bed, the other i mentioned earlier. but it was laughed off the next day as army lads do and i got a bit of banter for about a month. not really a big issue. the only problem i had at this time is i left my english bank card at home and had 80% of my wage paid into to save. my first posting was cyprus so i had a cypriot account where 20% would go in and i would live on that. the problem is once i signed off and went home to get my money and go traveling my account was empty. i think i must have sent £60k to that account over the 5 years and my parents had spent every last penny. i never gave them permission to spend it all. my mum once phoned my regiment and asked after me, and my RSM (regimental sergeant major) had given me an ear bashing about keeping in touch so i called her which was probably a year into joining and 3 months into joining my regiment she asked for some money, i gave her my pin number and that is how they spent my money. I didnt call the police, i didnt have some huge argument. i got my bank card checked my bank it was empty. i went home i packed my bag and disappeared luckily i hadn't spent much out of my cypriot account and had a few thousand pounds left over i went traveling living cheap and moving fast. i ended up in denmark with no money so i found a job got a house, got a girlfriend and settled in for a year. I made my way back to the uk after about 18 months away. i did check in with my parents. they were now on dodgy disability based on my dads fake arthritis, well it wasnt fake but it was debilitating to the point he said it was. he had a disability car, got disability money, yet also worked as an electrical engineer surveyor which paid really well i think, as they seemed to be doing ok. after a few months in the UK i had a job and bought a house. i met a lady who was 7 years my senior she had 3 children. my parents were livid they exclaimed she was using me and all the rest. I was married to this lady after a year, my parents refused the invitation to our wedding. we had a child together. her other children were 11 6 and 5 when i met her. I worked hard to provide for us all i had 3 jobs at one point i would get up at 5am go pack veg till 9am, then go drystone walling till 12, then go run a pub till around 3 then eat and do a few hours more walling, then go back to the pub and do a few hours on the night. It was a long hard few years but we got past it. My parents never visited they saw my first child twice, my dad started visiting my house a few years later when we moved to a better house in a better area. we had a few more kids. my wife now has 6! what a trooper. the origional kids dad was a complete loser, never paid a penny. just wanted to cause trouble for my wife. my dad mellowed a bit and started to invite us to go fishing. i never liked fishing but my wife loves sports and one day took him up on the offer. it turned into a regular monthly thing. after 6 months or so, my mum decided to accuse them of having an affair this was through my sister because she hadn't been in contact with me for years at this point. my dad immediately withdrew from all contact with us unless he was asking to borrow money. of course they weren't having an affair. my dad was a 50 year old pot bellied toothless hunched over fool and wife was a 30 something goddess. (maybe a little rose tinted but i stand by it!) anyway my mum ended that little escapade of normalcy. i saw my dad maybe 3 times after that all when he wanted something and had no one else to turn to. my sister was a lifetime benefit huckster at this point and my brother had studied some inane shit in university and was living with them 10 years later So my mum has never seen any of my children other than the oldest 3 times when she was a baby, my dad has seen more of the kids but not the youngest who is now 8. since then both his parents died i didnt attend the funerals, im pretty pragmatic about these things and see no point in allowing other to vent their grief all over me. I did like my grandma and grandad and did visit them but funerals with a whole fake family seemed quite pointless. the dead don't care either way. my mums parents also died during this time, i did want to go to her dads funeral he was the gem in my childhood. but i didn't attend as i heard through my sister who i rarely speak to that my mum was intending to turn up and make a scene (her own mum had accused my grandad and her of having an incestuous affair hence they never spoke) So as you can see my family is quite messed up. so last december i dropped my dad a note on facebook asking how he was. Dont know why i bothered think i was feeling pretty maudlin at that time. He waffled some inane crap about his health and we went back over the course of 48 hours, then he asked for some money to help him move to some disability house. I didn't reply for 2 days i looked through his and my mums facebook and found they were still holidaying a few times a year, still had a 35 year old son living with them and they were asking me for money. I replied yes i can help have the removal company call me and i will pay your bill. He didn't respond to that at all. i really think he was just after cash. a few days later he asked if they could see the children. i replied no i dont think that would be a good idea as they dont even know you exist right now perhaps we could start with a card. then followed 2 days of abusive messages from my sister and mother through facebook. i ended up just deleting the account. i never had anyone but my wife on it anyway so it wasn't any loss i really don't use social media. Do you think i was a bit harsh and should i let them in the life of my children? Just wanted to add a footnote on my wife. she went back to work 3 years ago after rearing our children to school age, she now runs a huge multi million pound store and earns 5 times my salary. she has an immense 162 IQ, and has shot up the corporate ladder, she literally started back at work in mcdonalds wiping tables, got noticed by some sales manager for her personality and is now flying high. 3 years wiping tables to corporate moghul really impressed by her. and i have no regrets about our marriage and do consider it the best choice i ever made.
“THE LOGICIAN” (INTP-A) i probably buy that