Hi all !
First post here at FreeDomain. Should start off saying I think FreeDomainRadio and SM are culturally important efforts which are really influencing people and for the better.
I had a point of disagreement with Stefan regarding the call in show caller who wanted to be a lawyer but was being kicked out of college. The gist of what I heard Stefan say was "screw it (being a lawyer). You're smart. Be an entrepreneur"
I can see that that is not bad advice, but I think if the caller has a positive passion to take on the system from within, he should pursue it.
The law is effectively the operating system of society. If we cede the law to the feminists and SJWs then we will have ceded one of the most important battlegrounds entirely to the enemy and given to them sole control over the only legally sanctioned form of violence society permits.
See how that has worked for political dissidents in Sweden and Germany. The laws get passed against free speech, against the freedom to innovate (patent law- the caller's concern) , against the freedom to read and to think certain unpopular thoughts, and as a direct consequence the resistance against the people making those laws is kneecapped. Nothing is left to people in those societies except literal revolution and violence- it is illegal to express dissent there and entire categories of rational, cohesive thought about reality, if you publicly engage them, will make you a criminal.
If the only weapons you're "permitted "to change a society are physical violence and revolution then the threshold of suffering needed for societal change goes way up. We can never permit our society to slip off the cliff European society has, but to prevent that, we need some of our people to become lawyers and judges and politicians.
Stefan can have his radio show (as a practical matter, relatively unencumbered and unmolested by the government) exactly because we count lawyers and judges amongst our ranks. I can't wage war like they can; I need them to win that part of the battle field for me, and so do you.
If the caller is reading this my advice is simple. Withdraw from the university you're at if you are forced to but not from your ambition. If you're forced out financially, then double down with your determination and don't let the SJWs separate you from your worthy ambition.
Here are some options:
There are a lot of conservative organizations around and maybe some of them give scholarships. Yes you lost that one you had but a ton of scholarship money goes unclaimed each year. Write to to them and see if they offer scholarships. Look for scholarship money low and high. One thing the SJWs did is give you a compelling story, to certain ears. The more people and organizations you contact, the more fully you explain your story the more likely it is that someone with the means will help you. But you have to dig in and start the mind numbing process of cold writing organizations you didn't even know exist. Like ACTA just to take one off the top of my head. You have to communicate that you want to go to into law specifically to support conservative values , academic and economic freedom. You have to put yourself out there as what you are- a smart individual who wants to enter the fight on their side. You have to tell them what happened and how it effected you and what you will do as a lawyer. It's war. Let them know you're a warrior.
If you contact less than 300 organizations , then you're just not serious.
Another (non-exclusive with the above ) option is to do 2 years at a community college living at home then the other 2 at a state school, head down, mouth shut. I am sure someone has already told you that.
Another option is to move to a state which will let anyone take the bar, no college degree required, no law school required. There ARE states that permit that and people DO take it and DO pass it. This is a thing that happens in the world. Why should it not happen with you?
Let this experience turn you into a monster. Let it turn you into a beast, an intellectual superrnan who cannot be stopped, no matter the suffering involved on the way to victory. Someone did it, are they better than you? Are you going to permit that to be reality? Don't let yourself be stopped and you won't be stopped. Be unstoppable. Live the life required to be unstoppable, just as unfolding events define that life to you. Say yes. Say yes to whatever challenge is thrown at you. It is really true- whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
The people you're up against are cultural terrorists, but that's just their opening salvo. Once they have uncontested power over the law, they're be literal terrorists and you can kiss civilization goodbye.
You'll be jailed on a woman's say so. You'll have to prove your innocence or face life first in jail then tagged and bagged as a sexual offender. That's what they have coming down the pike at us; it's no joke. They want to repeal the assumption of innocence. They want to do away with beyond the reasonable doubt standard and replace it with a preponderance of evidence standard for criminal guilt.
Imagine living in a society in which everyone knows women have the power to destroy your life simply on their say so. What are the follow-on consequences of living in a society like that (aside from the inevitable violent revolution) ?
Mordor is minting monsters. Who is going to engage with them on the field of battle they have chosen ? Someone has to.