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  1. The Jig seems to be up – „der Krug geht so lange zum Brunnen bis er bricht“. Even Stefan Molyneux is missing this one thing – although he recognizes our moment of critical mass (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQfokkD2ms0) – and that is why he continues to battle with the details of a dysfunctional governmental system. Expressing Aristotelian thought will allow even Molyneux to accept – at least reluctantly to begin with – this proposition: After all the politicizing and intellectualizing of what ails society – and particularly western society – it comes down to the single most missing element in all conversations, and that is the fact that we have to re-learn (both collectively and individually) to put Spirit foremost in all our thoughts and undertakings and which ultimately also means “love they neighbour as thyself” – at least to the best degree that our consciousness makes this possible. And it will also have to become a leading conclusive scientific and logical statement (in this case it will truly have to become a case of “settled logical conclusion” as it was for Pythagoras and Plato) so that it can be clearly stated in the constitution of each country – whether this is in Christian terms (put God first) or in Eastern terms (put the Pantheon first) is presently unimportant. Just as it was in Ancient Egypt (after all they were able to build the pyramids). And all this while maintaining the governmental separation of church and state – but not a separation of Spirit (God) and state. Only then will the Phoenix be able to rise again – and will lead to the transition from the democratic model to a guild government (and a truly classical liberal society in freedom and well-being for all). Sounds too good to be true? As we have nothing to lose we might as well give this a shot. And I am not as yet holding my breath for this to happen any time soon – but soon enough for its necessity to be grasped and understood.
  2. Although Stefan at times proclaims his atheism - as well as his anarchism - it may not be of the kind that is generally understood by this term. I venture to say that - as a public personality - he is not socially helpful by asserting such (quite aside that it is not logically tenable). Claiming to be an Aristotalian (vs a Platonian) at best puts him on a slippery slope - as it unfortunately did its originator; Aristotle never denied the existence of the gods, he just positioned them (illogically) into the background of one's consciousness whereas Plato made them upfront logically obligatory for all of life's recourse. To reduce the precision of the Universe's matrix as either accidental or of secondary importance is not only illogical - it either is or it is not - it is sociologically totally irresponsible and thus may be arrived at under the mental influence of the dark forces (who are there to ever derail or obstruct humanity's evolution). Only an outright commitment to Spirit's (scientific and logical) primacy (e.g. as during the Ancient Egyptian empire) will allow the evolution of humanity to proceed rhythmically and harmoniously. Until such will have been restored, mankind will have to groan under the heavy load of self-delusion. That does not mean having to unquestioningly accept the equally spurious claims of the various official religions - let only the Truth of pure Logic be our guide. Otherwise we have to resort to the lengthy and complicated psychological investigations that Stefan is a master at - but that are exhaustively insufficient for all minds of a lesser capacity. Both the Buddha and the Christ would have shuddered - of course I realise, that Stefan most likely does not give credence to either their factual existence or their importance.
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