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  1. This is strictly for entertainment purposes only, but I have been working on compiling all the sources on the MMPI-2, the world standard in clinical diagnostics. If any of you are interested, take the test and copy/paste the table it produces. I will then reply with your unofficial results. The MMPI-2 Test First, read these instructions: The MMPI-2 stands for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Second Edition. It is a long name, but it is essentially a personality measure developed in Minnesota in the 1940s and extensively modernized. An advantage of the test being around so long is that it is widely researched and is the most widely used personality test in the world. The MMPI-2 is used in a variety of settings with many different types of people. The purpose for you taking the test today is . There are 567 items, all to be answered true or false. It typically takes people about 1 to 2 hours to complete the test. You can take as long as you need because people vary a great deal in the time they take to complete the test. You are free to stretch and take short breaks as needed. It’s important that you feel comfortable and not distracted, so if at any time you need a break or find the conditions uncomfortable tell the person available. It is important for you to be open and honest with your answers for us to understand you well. Your focus and attention are important as you answer the questions. It is helpful if you double-check at the end of each row to make sure you are on the correct question and have not lost your place. Answer according to your current feelings and experiences, and answer what you feel is true about yourself. Even though some questions may appear to not apply to you, answer every question, as omitting questions might distort our ability to understand you accurately. If you don’t feel strongly either way about an item, answer whether is it mostly true or mostly false. Answer all items. Please also note any questions you have difficulty answering or find confusing or irritating, and we will discuss them after you have completed the test. Remember that the feedback session is a two-way process, so you will be actively involved in helping me understand you. If the test results don’t describe you accurately or are not helpful, you will have a chance to clarify how you see yourself. We have asked you to take this test because it will help us understand you more fully and in less time. It will provide a road map and a beginning point to explore how you feel and what kinds of events may have shaped you. There are a large number of questions because the test is flexible and was designed for many different possible symptoms and personality types. The feedback is a vital part of this process and will help determine the accuracy of the results. The value of the assessment depends on a collaboration between us so you will be able to clarify and describe the way you see yourself. It would be ideal if together we could develop a picture of who you are.
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