I used to be hyped about defending the homeland and fighting the bad guys; quite inevitably, considering I live in a country where militarism and patriotism are being infused into your brain since age 0. But since becoming familiar with philosophy, morals, and the way the world works (partly through Stefan), I slowly went from lovin' it to being disgusted by the notion of going to die in some war I'm not responsible for under the influence of shallow propaganda lines about THE MOTHERLAND. So for almost a year the path had been clear: evade the army, live my life the way I want, and laugh about the cattle that took the bait at any opportunity. But now, a few weeks before the enlistment (or evasion) day, I got struck by the idea of joining the herd.
Even today, as I'm being torn between the two options, the nationalism talks remain out of the equation. Do I love Israel? Yes, in a way. I love (some of) the people, I love the traditions that make me feel at home, I love the warmness any stranger here would exhibit, I love the jokes that only Israelis would understand. But god, I'm light years away from loving the government and its artificial forced nationalism.
Even if I end up dying in a war, I don't want to be remembered as "a brave soldier who sacrificed his life for the nation". That's not who I am, and those are not the values I'd die for.
So why am I filled with doubt still? Because of selfish reasons. I can't decide which option will make me a better and happier person, and which will accelerate my rotting.
As I wrote above, to me, nationalism goes through one ear and out the other at the same second. As a child I used to be "poisoned" as we say here—almost obsessed with the army—and proud of my country. Then I met philosophy, and the idea of serving politicians gradually lost its attractiveness to me. I swear, thinking is such a disadvantage when it comes to going through military service. If I were POISONED, I wouldn't let doubts about morality and long-term benefits disturb my motivation.
I guess there are 3 main concerns in the equation aside from ideology: health, experiences, and finance. My mom tells me not to do it because I'm physically unfit and the risk is high. My dad tells me to do it because 'I gotta experience different things in life'. My brother (who's currently a soldier, though not combat) tells me to save myself this waste of time and from any interaction with that retarded system. My sister says if she were I, she'd try it, and that I'm not so productive on my free time anyway. My heart tells me to do it, my body tells me not to, and my brain is confused as fuck.
As for finance, starting to work as a waiter now, and possibly making a good bitcoin investment sounds quite attractive. I don't have any desire for higher education right now and I don't know if I'll ever go this way. I'm passionate about classical music and I want to compose and play the piano, whether professionally or not. I do have musical talent which I'd developed until the end of elementary school, and then dropped it (played several wind instruments and excelled at them compared to the rest of the school). I'm nowhere near studying for an MBA or something, though, it'll take several years to develop the needed skills for that. BUT, it's important to remember that in order to achieve financial success there are traits you need to have, such as persistence, discipline, mental toughness, stress resistance and so on. Especially in the entrepreneurship sphere, which I am into (but haven't done anything worth mentioning to step in it—I truly lack those traits!). Keeping in mind that the army trains you in these areas, perhaps, in the long run, serving would be the financially wiser choice.
Some billionaire whose name I forgot said that whenever he needs to make an important decision, he asks himself: "When I am 80 years old and I look back at my life, will I be happy I decided to do it? Will I regret not doing it?" And often, it is what we didn't do that we regret the most.
I don't know. I sure as hell would regret becoming a cripple, but I would also regret rejecting this opportunity and then just continuing to rot.
Anyhow, I'm now going to sleep and when I wake up I should decide. This is the last day I've got. This day is history.