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  1. A "chose your own story" option isn't what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches a sovereign God whose Will shall be done. "I am God, and there is none like me,declaring the end from the beginningand from ancient times things not yet done,saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,and I will accomplish all my purpose"
  2. When I say justice I mean for God to stay consistent with who He is and his declared, prescriptive will. When I say holiness I mean his total moral purity, including his abhorrence of evil.
  3. Am I correct in thinking that when you say "destroy the world", you mean to end humanity's existence at that point of destruction so that there wouldn't be an eternity of suffering in hell? I just want to make sure I'm on the same page.
  4. Yes, justice and holiness is displayed through the consequences of rebelling against God. If you find this display distasteful or sadistic, that just further supports the Christian perspective that humanity is indeed fallen and in rebellion against God. You have something at stake here if humanity really is guilty, so you fight it. If we were discussing the throwing of the fallen angels into the lake of fire I don't think you'd bring up sadism. If that's the case, it would be helpful to think about that inconsistency in your stance.
  5. You're under the impression that the fall of Satan, the fall of man, and the flood are examples of things not going how God intended. All of these things occurred because God willed them to occur, and through them we are able to see some attributes of God such as his holiness, justness, and hatred of sin. The life, death, and resurrection of Christ wouldn't have been necessary without the fall. Under your perspective Christ was just a band-aid to fix things not going according to plan. I don't know if your perspective involves staying consistent to the Bible in these matters, but the Bible presents the atonement as planned by God before the foundation of the world, not as something that God decided to do when the fall happened.
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