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Bro McCarthy

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Everything posted by Bro McCarthy

  1. When GWB launched into Iraq, I thought : “I don’t like this one bit... but ...I mean, GW... he has information I don’t.... information that can’t be reavealed yet, ...but in the end ... maybe ‘I’ll see that it wasn’t so bad.”Turns out that I, as a 26 year old shade tree historian, knew better than the president.Today I say the same thing about Syria. It doesn’t seem to make sense that Bashir Asshat would have used gas... but what do I know? Except that I won’t have to wait and see if Trump’s airstrike wasn’t so bad, because if it doesn’t touch off WW3, it wasn’t so bad.This is just idle musing, and a slight digression from the subject but consider: Trump could have colluded with Russia without colluding. Trump ran before, in 2000 I think. Any foreign agency worth its salt would have had people assigned to “get close” to him as a potential future president even before that. He could have been developed as an “unconscious” agent, as I believe both Hitler and FDR were. Neither FDR or Hitler were aware of how much Stalin worked to put them over, and this was because, IMO, both men’s inner circles were penetrated by informant informants, rats, moles to such an extent that Stalin always knew what they were thinking and how to control their behaviorIf this were the case with Trump, and there’s no really good reason to think it is (other than that the US completely let down it’s guard against Soviet penetration 20 years ago, so the penetration exists somewhere If not everywhere), it’s a terrifying scenario, because they could manipulate Trump into becoming the next Hitler (guy who blunders his nation into unwinnable world war), and that is the only possible reason Putin could have for putting Trump over. Reasons to think Putin did NOT want Trump: Press treatment of Trump... unless they figured out that the more ugly Jewish comedians bash someone, the more support he gets ... which is also quite possible
  2. Not shooting per se, but dreaming. There are some subjects I have studied at some depth and would like to make quasi-Moly YouTube presentations of, but [excuse]...
  3. Hitler never said anything about Jews that was more untrue and slanderous than what the entire world has come to believe about South African whites. Me, in college a few years ago “Whites in South Africa are being murdered by the thousand.” The general reaction: “Good. They deserve to die.”
  4. Do women belong in the military? No, no, a thousand times no, for a thousand different reasons. Think of Guadalcanal. A month without a shower or change of clothes in the jungle environment. Women would have a 100% casualty rate without ever sighting an enemy
  5. Back to original topic. Race mixing making us smarter? Depends on who “us” is. When two races mix, one participant’s bloodline is “improved” while the other is degraded.
  6. My friend has a 13 year old daughter, who took up with a black boyfriend. Talking it out with her, it emerged that she didn’t even really like him. She just didn’t think it was OK to say “no” to a black boy, especially after she sad no once, and he crossed her up with “it because I’m black.”
  7. I would prefer that they didn’t “suffer the consequences” of miscegenation, because we all suffer along with them. Once a girl becomes a miscegenator, the damage to her character and intellect are permanent and irreversible. She will never be honest with herself or anyone else about what a dreadful mistake she made
  8. It’s not only those of low IQ who are breeding with blacks. Much white/ black miscegenation occurs with teen mothers who made the “decision” to get pregnant at age 14-18, when naturally intelligent people make poor decisions. Also, it is usually a result, not so much of bad decision making but simply wilting before aggressive pressure from not only the male, but a lifetime of Disney/Nickelodeon/ school indoctrination that teaches young girls that it’s not OK to reject blacks for any reason
  9. I do wonder if Gowdy has been compromised. His endorsement of Rubio raised questions in my mind; sure that could have come from the two men simply developing a friendship over a game of horseshoes, but I have a lot of suspicions about Rubio. Maybe it is as simple as that Gowdy isn’t as much a fighter as he seems.
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