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  1. Living in my bubble in South Africa and the situation we're in with white hatred, I never looked at the rest of the world and whats going on. Starting to look outside my little box and realizing this is happening all over the world. Problem is you only hear from the lefties but there are a lot of blacks that don't agree with this whole " I'm a victim because I'm black" even in South Africa. Rude awakening when you start doing research. Not everyone is against you because you're white and people are starting to stand-up to the narrative and mainstream media. Following some black South Africans on twitter and must say, it gives you hope for the country and the world. Positive feedback from South Africa. #COPE
  2. Khoi the original indigenous group willing to share land with white South Africans Listen how the ANC treated their plea to be heard and part of decision making process in South Africa.
  3. Thanks for the link. My parents worked on a farm so I grew up on one. Fruit farm. Was in an agricultural school for 1 year, so probably know a lot more than most. Just for interest sake I though I'd share what made headline news today. I'll give the short version and post the link for the whole story. So this white South African lady was robbed. In the shock and maybe some stupidity on her side, she made racial comments to the police officers about Black people in South Africa. Now she's not innocent and should never have said what she did, but they passed a 3 year prison sentence and refused her bail. Part of the headline says "Nowhere to hide for racists". So we have Julius Malema singing Kill the farmer kill the Boer. One bullet one Boer etc etc, Nothing happens https://www.news24.com/Columnists/AdriaanBasson/nowhere-to-hide-for-racists-like-vicki-momberg-anymore-20180328
  4. The are saying kill the boer, kill the white man kill the boer and so on and so on. Boer being white South Africans
  5. So everyone know's about the farm murders being featured on the internet. It's a hot topic in the news since Australia is looking at ways to assist white farmers. My problem is exactly what the person on Stefan's show. I've been trying to immigrate to Canada for about two years. Very strict policies and since I don't have a degree there's no way. So what people aren't taking into account is that the whole of the white South African community is at risk. Crime is high ( understatement ) so the majority of break-ins would be in the middle class area's. Problem is when crimes are committed by black people in a white persons house and they are present it becomes a hate crime most of the time. The hate speech by EFF and other parties is not helping the situation. A normal house break-in is ending up in a violent hate crime. Next week the Kardashians might buy a poodle and then the coverage of the genocide on white South Africans will be forgotten. Figured this forum could help keep the topic alive or maybe help with more coverage
  6. Hi Guys, new person that's why just the link. I don't really know what to say (that the video doesn't). One of the white people in South Africa everyone wants dead. Don't have a farm, lots of money or rich parents. The house I rent might be on stolen land though, not sure.
  7. I'm so glad to see the rest of the world still cares about what's happening to white South Africans. Parlement just approved taking farms and homes using any measurement at its disposal. Guess we're on our own again For a moment I though I so a light with coverage. Moved on to next topic .......
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