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Everything posted by Jersey

  1. An addition to my post. I was the product of a one night stand between my mother and my father (whom I never met). Would I be in the wrong to find this situation to be mostly the fault of my mother? Surely my dad didn't stay (and frankly, who would stay if it's a one night stand), but my mother had several more lifelines to ensure that I didn't grow up without my father, and still she chose to keep me. I'm obviously glad she did, but I still find it hard to blame my father for this unfortunate family constellation of mine. Any help with sorting my thoughts are appreciated.
  2. I've been thinking about this for a while, I'd like to hear your input. If a man doesn't want children (or the financial responsibility of one) he has two choices; 1. Abstain. And if that fails: 2. Pre-intercourse protection such as a condom. If the condom breaks, he is at the mercy of the woman he slept with. A woman, on the other hand, has five. She can: 1. Abstain. And if that fails: 2. Use pre-intercourse protection such as condoms, hormone spiral, or birth control pills. If any of these methods fails for whatever reason: 3. Post-intercourse protection, like the morning after pill. If that also fails: 4. Abortion. And if she doesn't go through with one: 5. Put the baby up for adoption. As demonstrated, women have more "lifelines" in this scenario than men do. They have more than double the reproductive power and the possibilities of planned Parenthood. My argument is that the woman therefore holds most of the responsibility of any child's existence. If a two strangers, a man and a woman has sex together and the condom breaks (resulting in childbirth), it is mostly due to the decisions (or lack of decisions) of the woman that is the cause for the fact that the child does not have a father. She could've prevented if after the incident occurred but she didn't. The man couldn't so naturally he didn't. My argument is not that men are all free from responsibility, but that women by nature are more responsible (in most cases) for a child's birth. There are obviously exceptions to everything, such as if the woman was held captive and raped by a man. I'd like to hear your input. Are both parties really equal in the creation of a child?
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