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Everything posted by Dubois

  1. Thank you for the information. I wish you future successes. I didn't know about this "certification" documention. Another reward that does not benefit hard workers, but instead allegiance to a useful social justice ideology. The Soviets were strict about such documents with all the proper bureaucratic approval stamps while the country literally fell apart into decayed sepia tones and rust. Even the air during those times had a peculiar decay, "gray" odor while curiously the US used to smell a bit like a Super Safeway store. I wonder if these people have any idea of the level of productivity and decline that they are hurrying in by such rewards and disincentivising real producers. Socialism: "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work"
  2. http://www.fig.net/resources/publications/figpub/pub51/figpub51.pdf Stefan, Please, I beg you to review this. It is literally a western supported plan for collectivization that I stumbled into. Communism isn't the game or eyeroll that most Americans dulled into. It documents a plan for this and the suppression of non-compliance in barely dressed up language. It is associated with the UN and World Bank. Check their website for more. (I'm not sure why RB Gingsburg was meeting in Vietnam, but these policies must have been an education...) It's also helpful, to understand South Africa's situation, and this plan, to read about the "Lotus", Afro-Asian nexus- the publications, award, and history of radical communism, formation, W.E.B Dubois, Mao, Anna Louise Strong regarding Afro- communism. Also interesting, Maurice Strong and tool of global warming. Communism is alive and as deadly as ever. South Africa is a canary. Think the initial vilification of the Boers, communist Mandela, media concentration on apartheid- but can't find SA on a map now, UN/Kofe, Oxfam run by Ugandans, Middle Eastern alliances, the replacement of people in all western nations (all of which sperm counts and testosterone levels have critically declined lower than a Kihinde Wiley painting), accepted Christian genocide in ME, the destruction of western religious and social cohesion, and so on, and all of the topics you've discussed in this regard. Most importantly please review the Hanoi Declaration. Thank you for all you do.
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