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Everything posted by DonaldJ

  1. Elizabeth.. I have more to fully answer your big question.. We were created by the alien nephilim giants for meat, by their adding their genes to the DNA of chimps, 15,000 years ago.. Our DNA analysis proves it.. They ate human brain tissues, failing to realize we were related.. They all died of Kuru, while they were in early process of populating this planet, or they would be farming and eating us today... The aliens instilled in our brains, a mind governor anomaly in the creative center of the right brain top center, near the brains largest arteries.. The moment we are processing thought using more than the permitted 7% mind usage, the conditioning restricts our head nerve plumbing painfully, thereby causing a migraine which pain killers can't alleviate.. The headache victim begins reciting religious dogma like preaching it, and the conditioning reduces the nerve plumbing restriction, and fires the human's bio-morphines.. The cristinsane cries out 'praise god!'.. 'Stoned out your tree' you will be... There are two major things you must successfully complete to escape the meat-herd in becoming human.. You Must successfully complete the proverbial '20-years introspection', which is to solve All the thoughts in the 'akashic records' (the 'flow of knowledge').. 3/4's through it, you are presented with the data how to neutralize the mind-governor conditioning.. The last two thought packages in the akashic records are how the afterlife works, and how to work it.. You cannot take its lessons out of context.. That would drive you insane, and maybe dead.. It isn't easy to force the mind conditioning to self-destruct, it is extremely dangerous, and may well be fatal, and it is extremely painful for a couple minutes, but it totally frees you from dogma.. It makes you into a human being, a sorcerer, and ascendant.. Sorcery only works with love for all life.. Without love, sorcery shuts-down.. The aliens instilled all our religious beliefs in our brain's creative center as a joke, to maintain the meat-monkeys passive and quiet, believing there was a better place for them after the chopping block and stew pot... The conditioning permits a maximum of 7% mind usage.. 8% mind usage causes us a wicked migraine.. We need a minimum of 28% mind usage to even begin to understand how the afterlife works... Elizabeth, you have no worries your majesty.. I am here for you... This earthly life is proving grounds for angels.. Seems you did it your majesty... If you wish to feel the proverbial gates of the afterlife, only its first facet, next time you come upon a road hit critter still alive.. stop, tell it is safe, you are there for it, watching out for its teeth and probably lunge to bite, carefully get its head resting on your plastic covered leg.. They do so have bugs.. Careful, some raccoons have rabies, don't do it with raccoons, they will so always try to Bite.. Rabies shots won't be fun.. Maybe trickle a little water or a coffee creamer into the critter's mouth to break the ice.. Then you would be 'mummy'.. You absolutely Must have plastic between you and it.. Softly caress away its pains, softly comforting with kind soft words, till it passes.. They do understand English.. Could take hours.. It might just get up and walk away.. They always turn and thank you.. If it died, and you have a good mind and strong spirit, you will see its spirit leave it as a geometric shaped little cloud, expanding slowly back into life's building materials.. Your tear ducts will empty like 'rivers'.. Get through it asap.. Scan it.. You will find it is full of fear.. Explain to it that it is welcome to share your vehicle as long as it does not touch your controls.. Try to pull it into you.. Tell it 'you know what I'm trying to do, You do it!'.. It will slam into your solarplex so hard it could knock you clean off your feet on your back, and probably will, feeling like a full-force karate sidekick to the chest.. A year later, find it in you, ain't easy, attach a tiny backpack to it, and fling it out into deep-space, instructing it to 'find out for you what's out there'.. Command it to 'return in 90-days to the second, to teach you what it found', in a second.. Best be sitting on something with a soft back then.. It is gonna hit Oh So Hard!.. When I did it, it slammed me to the couch Hard, smashing a hole into the gyproc wall.. I suppose it could be consider to be a little dangerous, but well worth the experience and the rewards... Researchers found two huge stew-pots near a massive mound of deep butcher-cut human bones in an alien giant's settlement.. They found escape-proof enclosures and breeding facilities for their human meat-animals.. Humans were like stewing squirrels and rabbits to them, and slaves and toys, and later mates after their females died of kuru, being the second classic symptom of kuru... Before a human can realize the afterlife, the student of life Must complete those two items.. There is no other option for anyone, but for an ascendant to push you into the afterlife, and that just ain't gonna happen, save for a few, 2 or 3 very special humans.. The afterlife is Not for humans.. They would destroy it like they destroyed this planet and themselves.. First thing a human would do in the afterlife would be to 'pee on the roses', and kill and eat something defenseless and innocent, and probably my friend, and probably break something for fun.. Heaven is void of human spirits, and will remain thus.. Hell is heaven's shield against demons.. I've seen what happens to demons trying to get into heaven.. It's messy...
  2. On 1/26/2018 at 3:36 PM, Elizbaeth said: I have a deep nagging desire to have big celebrations on all the holidays, and I love family traditions and miss the ones I had growing up. The problem is that almost everything that tied my family together was religious in some way, and I haven’t come to a good conclusion on how to mesh the community and tradition of religion with what I actually believe. I’ve even gone so far as to consider being “culturally religious” so that I can have all the social and traditional benefits of belonging to a church community. Anyone else felt felt this way? How did you solve it and give your family tradition? _________________________________ That's easy.. You live and write your own story, your own book of life... Permit me to illustrate with a new parable.. The parable of 'The skeleton at god lake'.. In the middle of the great dessert was a lush secret oasis, full of date palms, olive trees, strawberries, plants and fruits of all kinds, and a calm quiet pristine lake of pure sweet-water, water so sweet it tasted like maple-syrup has been added to it... [by the way, I found that water near the BC Alberta border, where I met an adolescent female Bigfoot lassy up-close, and way too personal.. The sweet-water was burbling out of the ground, hidden and protected by a perimeter of devil's club bushes.. I did So get stung by those horrid thorns.. Everyone should meet that plant at least once..] A lost man trekking across the dessert, expecting to slow suicide, escaping the horrors of a crumbling murderous life-stifling dysfunctional degenerative loveless society, his flesh baked and bleeding, painful beyond words, comes upon a great calm lake in the middle of the dessert.. He falls to his knees, bible in hand, profusely praying to the great lake to quench his thirst, heal his wounds, restore his life, give him salvation... A year later, a lost man trekking across the dessert, expecting to slow suicide, escaping the horrors of a crumbling murderous life-stifling dysfunctional degenerative loveless society, his flesh baked and bleeding, painful beyond words, comes upon a great calm lake in the middle of the dessert.. He notices a kneeling skeleton, beside a tattered weathered bible open at the last chapter.. He runs and dives into the great silent lake, drinks his fill, his wounds and burns healing in seconds, his pain fading in seconds.. He swims and paddles in the great god lake, feeling his spirit fill with love and strength, his youth restored.. He walks back onto the shore, picks up that vile book, and flings it into the dessert sands, its vile pages fluttering in the winds in flames and particles.. He walks into the great lake, swims to the otherside, and begins to author his own book of life and living his way.. just like you are doing... You trust in yourself.. Religion does not trust in you...
  3. In a sense it's honorable and evil, in that should she totally be covered the males don't see them as something vaginial to attack and suddenly fornicate into.. For some messed-up reason Arabs don't have serotonin the spirit quietner glandular.. Maybe it's from drinking polluted water and fornicating with fun to rape animals..? They are running on instinct.. They see a partially naked female, and they must immediately mate with it, like they did with goats when they were smaller.. like how tribes of monkeys procreate.. To them Women are the equivalent of female goats rear-ends.. They cover their females so as not to hurt them with their infantile unbridled insanity, by attacking women how they attack and attacked goats.. It seems their religion is based upon abusive fornicating with anything and everything that be female.. It makes all types of violent sexual molesting be morally correct in their eyes., when it's very likely a particular level of insanity.. In some of those cults men have eve force-fornicated wee kiddies to death for their god's will.. Evil doesn't get any worse than that...
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