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  1. You say that "the girl will be fucked by chads on her gold ages, and then she will go to a beta provider" and you think that is an argument? You do realize that screaming "not an argument" is also not an argument, right? You are just blurping all this thing you think is knowledge about woman, but you fail to recognize that those statistics are a common knowledge among decent families, and girls in those families won't ride the dick carousel because of that. There are girls that can get over their primal instinct. I know very well that the sexual market out there is a mess. I never said that those aren't true. You assume otherwise because, I'd guess, of your fragile ego that will do anything to "win", even if it's a stupid conversation in a forum to reafirm something in your brain tickling "I am smart. I am way smarter than 99% of the men". Congratulations And, saying that I am blue pilled is not an argument Saying that I do not appear to be very intelligent is not an argument Saying that I am naive is, guess what, not an argument too. So when you have some argument worth debating, good luck finding another person to debate with
  2. Dude, if without a degree you would be working at fast food, then your degree is shit. I'm sorry, but if a guy that is supposed to work in a fast food is now working in a "scientific" job because of a degree, i bet all my money that he isn't contributing. Just think with me, I do not mean to be mean or anything, but do you really think a guy with 90 IQ will be capable of doing research, or running a big company? When you say you would be working at fast food without your edu you are just grasping the thought that you did "the right thing" So, about marriage, you do realize not all girls are like the description you made, right? Not all women fuck chads their whole youth and then go crying for a beta male cuck to be the provider, right? It's simple, when you are knowing a girl, go and ask her "so how were your previous relationships?", if she tries to hide it, or if she had like 10 partners before, you just tell her the truth and move on. It's not hard, man I've heard stefan tell girls to hurry up because they are in their late twenties too, but guess what? You don't have to have that girl. You can go for a younger and fresh woman. I wouldn't have a problem to marry a girl on her late twenties, as long as she realized what she did, and I saw that she would be a great and moral mom. BUT, she have to deeply internalize the things she did, not the "I regret sleeping a lot and now I look for a nice guy" type of thing
  3. you can apply the stocks market mentality here. In the stocks, whenever a price is going too high, it will eventually crash down, and when a price is going down, it will eventually go up. College price has skyrocket for like 40 years. It is coming to an end, and it will crash really soon. When it crash, people will realize a college degree means anything Marriage has been "down" for quite a long time, and i truly believe that soon we will have the reversal and marriage will become a more important and respected thing with less divorces. In my view, I will marry because I know my kids will be rational and functional in this world. I will have kids to leave the world three high IQ people with peaceful parenting views that will hopefully leave even more functional kids in the future. I will have kids to help and change the world Just make sure u don't marry a crazy woman and yyou will be fine.
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