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  1. This is an open letter to Sefan Molyneux. I see no reason why I shouldn’t release this publicly, as this may be of general interest to Stefans fans and others. Dear Stefan, I’ve been on a quest for knowledge for many years now. I want to learn about society, culture, technology, biology, history, philosophy, politics, economics - virtually everything under the sun. I’m very Socratic in a way - in that I think the only path to being good comes through knowledge; and that ignorance is a form of evil. I believe in Truth through dialectic, and that almost all people are good deep down, but lack the knowledge to correctly implement good. There are many personalities that look up to on YouTube such as - Yourself, Lauren Southern, Tommy Roberson, Styxhexenhammer666, Sargon of Akkad, Jordan B peterson, Jesse Lee Peterson, Computing Forever, Turd Flinging Monkey, Tucker Carlson, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Karen Straughan, Colttaine, Mark Dice and Matt Christiansen. Just to name a few, and in no particular order. The reason I list these individuals is to show how much of an impact having access to this resource has had on me. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses. But the thing I enjoy most from all of them is that they are all making their own best attempt at finding and exposing the Truth. I can’t think of anything more noble. It ran through my head a while back that I may never get to meet some of these great minds in person, and that was a somber thought. But then, your New Zealand tour was shown on the news, and I immediately knew I had to get tickets. I was very excited to see you. And although I was a little worried at the prospect of protests, I was not going to miss it for the world. Then the event got cancelled, and I was more than a little annoyed. People had taken away something from me that I love, and I wanted to know why. I already knew the answer however. I’ve asked a fair few people who opposed the event questions such as, “Why do you oppose them speaking?”, “What do they say that you have issues with?”, “How much of their content have you seen?”. I’m sure everyone reading this will know what their answer to those questions were. Deafening silence. I am yet to hear one shred of legitimate evidence as to why you should not have been allowed to speak. All I heard were strawmen, or misunderstandings. Needless to say I felt great shame and embarrassment on behalf of my country. Not just for their actions, but for their ignorance and intellectual dishonesty and intellectual laziness. I wanted to let you know that once I receive my refund from you, I will be sending it right back to you and Lauren immediately as a donation. In addition all of the YouTubers above will be receiving additional donations. I will need to parcel based on watch time and taking previous donations and purchases into account. It is not your fault you were no platformed. It seems unfair for you to take the time and effort to visit us and to have nothing in compensation. I was planning to ask a question at the event if I would have been so lucky. I suppose the next best thing would be to share my question here - open to the public. The question was going to be something like this: --- “I've heard a lot of talk regarding the ethnostate over the past year or so. However, what is surprising to me is that I've heard almost no one talk about the idea of a culture state. Essentially it would be the same thing, except instead of separating people by race, you would do so by culture. This seems to me, to be a far less arbitrary way to create a state than one based on skin color. I would consider it more moral, and also far more marketable as an idea. My question is, why do you think this hasn't been broached before, do you think there is any merit to the idea?” --- Now I already have some ideas as to how an answer to that question might go. But I was robbed of the opportunity to ask, and to hear a response. I have been robbed of the opportunity of being able to share a room with people with similar interests. I was silent before. I won’t be silent any longer. Much love from the sane part of New Zealand. Best, J
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