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Everything posted by NightRaven

  1. Hello everyone, I was watching a video by Bright Insight, where he talks about a global cataclysm that reset human civilization many thousands of years ago. One of the things he mentions is the common criticism of "If there was an advanced human civilization, where's the evidence of metal buildings, fiber optic cables, etc ...?". Of course, Bright Insight makes a good case about natural erosion and corrosion destroying these things, but this question reminded me of something I saw in Google Earth that I would like to share with you now. First though, here is the video from Bright Insight: And without further ado, here is some of the stuff I found on Google Earth: Due to the 0.5 MB upload limitation on these forums, I will only show a single picture, but the one below includes many of the elements I want to bring to your attention. However, I urge you to open Google Earth, and navigate to the provided coordinates. You can get a far better picture with the ability to zoom in/out Moscow Oblast in Russia (Coordinates 55 36 27 N 40 18 46 E) Points of Interest in the above picture The most obvious are the city shadows (as I've called them for lack of a better name). You can see that despite this area being a swamp, there are lines here that form an easily recognizable grid. If you zoom in on the grid, there is no sigh of human habitation. Nature doesn't do perfect grids like the ones we see here, so this was obviously created by humans, and then something happened (likely a flood) to force humans to abandon the region It's possible that this city was destroyed in more recent history (god knows we abandon cities in modern times), but for those of you who want to strike a comparison with cities like Chernobyl, I will point out that Chernobyl still has buildings standing to this day. Whatever happened to these cities destroyed them so thoroughly, that these places cannot be recognized as cities from the ground. You can see the small modern town of Shatura on the left side of the picture that appears to be in the process of reclaiming some of the shadow grid. Take note of this, this phenomenon of our modern cities reclaiming the foundations of the old ones re-occurs all over the world. Finally, I want to bring your attention to the straight lines that go on for miles and make sudden sharp turns at odd angles (focus on the area immediately to the north of Tugolesskly Bor, and feel free to follow them to your hearts content). I believe that these lines are the remains of an ancient road system Key here is that no trees grow inside of these lines, the ancients have apparently built their roads to last. Fortunately for us, this makes these lines easy for us to recognize if you're zoomed in far enough If you find one of these roads, you can follow them, and 90% of the time, they will lead you to more of these shadow cities, or even modern cities Before anyone says that "we built these roads", I'd like to point that that our modern civilization simply doesn't built roads in the style that we see here. Our roads (especially the inter-city ones) tend to be curvy, and are usually thinner than these straight-lined monstrosities that go on for miles, and make sudden sharp turns Sometimes, you might see railroads, power lines (especially in the United States), or modern roads inside of these straight-lined clearings. I used to think that our power companies cleared the land in this manner, but this phenomenon can be found across all continents in the world, and in many cases, you don't find railroads or power lines inside of them (especially in 3rd world countries). It seems more likely to me that our power companies simply appropriated this land because trees conveniently don't grow inside these areas Coordinates Here are some more coordinates for you to look at in Google Earth, and my commentary associated with it Japan - Nakashibetsu (43 33 25 N 145 01 51 E) This is a case of trees growing in these perfect grid formations, and the modern japanese civilization appears to be building inside of it. Sweden - Ancient Road Hub (66 27 17 N 20 43 17 E) A bunch of these ancient roads crossing in one area. Good place to start if you want to find city shadows in Sweden, just follow the roads City Shadow - (67 04 31 N 22 29 00 E) City Shadow - (64 01 39 N 20 49 06 E) I will note that finding city shadows in western countries is far more difficult than other places in the world ... due to how developed we are. Regardless, it is not impossible as demonstrated by the next example New York City - Island City Shadows - (40 38 41 N 73 28 02 W) To think, you can find one of these things in the middle of a modern metropolis. It's a mind boggling thought that there was a city in this exact location before the current New York City, and the current city is merely reclaiming existing foundations. Unlike the first example in Russia, New York is far more developed, so we don't get the see the original city shadow Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey - (39 42 10 N 74 08 42 W) I find it interesting that most of the proper city shadows that I have found in the United States are all wildlife refuges, or conservation areas of some kind. here are a few more: Wildlife Refuge in South Carolina - (32 40 14 N 80 40 17 W) Another Wildlife Refuge in South Carolina - (33 09 00 N 79 02 38 W) Brazil - (22 40 18 S 43 00 30 W) You can find many many more, here are some tips for your searching The ancient road system is visible all over the world (Except Antarctica, where it's likely buried under the ice). If you find one of these roads, simply follow it to find a city shadow, but you need to be zoomed in well enough to find one Don't assume that modern humans set up trees that grow in straight lines for many miles (I.E: the japan example). You can find these city shadows co-existing with modern development if you look closely, but due to the modern development, it's harder to prove that we didn't do this. Most of the city shadows I have found are near water, or are low elevation (the sort of places that would be affected by a sudden increase in the sea levels as Bright Insight describes) If you are looking in North America, take note that the glaciers of the last ice age have warped the terrain to a considerable degree, and so it is harder to find anything there, but it's not impossible ... try looking near Seattle. I saw indications that Seattle WA, and Vancouver Canada may have been connected at some point as one big city. Same notice applies to the Siberia areas of Russia (for those of you who may be looking for possible indications of Great Tartary) Finally, if anybody can find modern day explanations for these phenomenon, I would like to hear them
  2. Just a thought ... Why would they want to visit us? Natural Resources? - everything that Earth offers can be mined from an Asteroid without the need to deal with our gravity well, or another planet without needing to worry about the natives (or hide from the natives). Said asteroid or barren world might also be closer to their own homeworld, so they don't need to come to our asteroid belt Slave Labor? - Think about the automation that we lowly humans have achieved with our industrial revolution ... the Aliens are likely to be far more advanced in this area than we are. What use would they have for slaves? Free Trade? - I admit that this is the most likely possibility, however we also need to consider the level of investment that the aliens would need to do in order to come here, which means they would weigh all the positives and negatives. Their reveal would cause religious turmoil, which would harm our society (and any harm to our society would negatively impact our ability to participate in a trade). lets also not forget the possibility that they have a prime directive of some sort. Maybe we also want to consider the issue of germs ... neither side would have immunity to the other. Our Culture? - This connects to free trade, but focused on our entertainment, music, art, etc ... I think here we need to consider how different the aliens might be to us. Maybe their vision works so radically different from ours that our computers screens will appear blank to them. Maybe they don't have hearing at all, and instead developed telepathy which serves most of the functions that hearing provides ... there goes their appreciation for our music. Maybe they do have hearing similar to ours, but have evolutionary developed in such a way that our music will be repulsive to them. Finally, take all of these considerations and flip them ... to explain why we might not be able to appreciate their culture. Need new Home? - Honestly, I can't think of a rebuttal to this one. Imagine the alien homeworld was destroyed by a supernova. The challenge they will face is that there will be no world out there that is capable of accommodating their biological requirements ... without some modifications (I.E: Terraforming and/or Generic Engineering on themselves to bridge the gap). For the issue of Terraforming, i see one of two possibilities: Earth's composition is radically different to what they need biologically .. in which case they won't bother with our world, and we can rest easy. On the other hand, if Earth is similar enough ... then we have a problem. My only consolation is that this is probably a very remote possibility, and if the aliens had a choice between a primordial world, and our world, they would probably pick the primordial one because then they don't need to consider us in their plans. To finish this off ... I've seen some videos recently that talk about the possibility that we Humans are the aliens (All the radical differences between us and the other animals. Also how we seem to be ill-adapted to our world when you consider the fact that we must wear clothes or risk sunburns / freezing). Perhaps that last option has already occurred ... and we are the genetically engineered colonists
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