I don't think so...
Knowledge is information acquired, while intellect or intelligence is your cognitive ability. Or, the ability to use knowledge, predict the future, solve problems, etc. It's the sheer horsepower of your brain.
You gain knowledge and 'wisdom' over the course of your life. This allows you to make good decisions.
Knoweldge is not the same thing as being intelligent. Even though most people confuse the two and refer to very knowledgeable people as 'smart '. These people could be very intelligent. They may not be.
A plumber may have been to school, and spent 15 years in the field working. His knowledge and expertise is immense. However, he is no more intelligent for doing this. An IQ 160+ engineering student with no knowledge of plumbing may be able to step into a construction site and solve a complicated problem with a few hours of research that that plumber may never be able to come up with. This isn't hypothetical, I experienced this recently ( I do real estate investment on the side). The plumber even said ' I would have never come up with that, not in a million years'. The young student is brilliant. He was able to hop on the internet, research a few things and come up with a solution that honestly... I don't really understand.