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Everything posted by JamesP

  1. Well, it returns a 404 now, which I know isn't what you're hoping for, but it's no longer a blank page.
  2. Thanks, I'm looking into this.
  3. There is absolutely no need to speculate.
  4. Nope.
  5. Mm. If that's the case, then it's saying "Display Name" but it really shouldn't be. And yeah, it's set to only accept email addresses, I just checked. Probably a template issue. On the list it goes!
  6. Regarding reputation, yep, been there, done that. Not sure what "not an argument" has to do with anything there, but it's not a new feature.
  7. Oops, thought I fixed the guildelines link. I don't think we had a privacy policy before, so I know it looks dumb, but I'm just going to leave it as-is for now, unless we get our hands on one. edit - fixed the guidelines link
  8. It does say "display name or email address" but only if it's not already populated. There was an option during the upgrade to either use people's usernames or Display Names, and I figured that it didn't make sense for people's usernames to suddenly appear where their display names were... but then logging in would be weird, so I changed that to email address.
  9. The chat room has been discontinued and it will not be coming back. In all the kerfuffle yesterday, I forgot to make an announcement regarding this. First, they're shutting off the service at the end of April. It did not make a lot of sense to install the chat app to only have to uninstall it after two weeks. (Plus, having it installed was causing some weird issues, and they went away as soon as it was removed.) Second, I get that some people really like the chat, but it's not used by a large proportion of the user base. There are also so many other alternatives out there that maintaining an official FDR chat doesn't really seem necessary.
  10. Thanks for letting us know. Any other information you can give? If you've saved your passwords to the site, try removing them for the board and see if that was somehow causing your troubles. We did switch from using a username to emails for logins, maybe that's confusing somebody somewhere.
  11. Trump coming down to provide disaster relief took some of the burden off of emergency services. Obama visiting the disaster area would increase the burden on emergency services. It tells you quite a lot about the difference between these two men.
  12. Ahhhh nice catch. I'll dig into it. Thanks! Update: That seemed pretty easy! Give it another look.
  13. Ogg is not natively compatible with iTunes or iOS players. I'm pretty sure that requiring people to install custom audio players to listen to the podcast is a non-starter. Ogg is also not universally compatible across popular browsers, so the fdrpodcasts.com site would suffer as well.
  14. There's the impotent attempt at "Drumpf," by John Oliver. Not sure if that's worth even mentioning. There's also the people calling for the NY Times to release an "off the record" portion of an editorial board interview. Even a NY Times editor says, "There's not a story here." It's a literal non-story story. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/editor-ny-times-not-sitting-on-a-news-story-with-trump-tapes/article/2584720 http://publiceditor.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/trumps-off-the-record-remarks-new-york-times-went-public/?_r=1
  15. Well, the person you pointed out, Thomasio, says stuff like this: "Under capitalism workers cannot freely chose to accept or reject a job offer." He doesn't provide an argument, he just throws out a claim and then astutely avoids making an argument to support it. If you do the same kind of thing, you will, over time, receive downvotes.
  16. This is so specific and so esoteric that I think you're being hoodwinked if you're being told you need to produce this as evidence to support an argument about government education.
  17. I think "Basic Income Guarantee" needs some more color. They should clarify it with Littlest Income Erasure, hence: BIG LIE.
  18. I think I found another candidate for the annoying poll...
  19. We do have a case open with iTunes, hopefully either to get the Podcasts app fixed or to understand why our podcasts are not downloading properly. RSSRadio, as Merrifield mentions, will work as an alternate, and if you can use the FDR app itself, all the better!
  20. So, I can confirm that this appears to be an issue for most of the episodes I've tried in the "Freedomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux" iTunes feed. What appears to work is to search for the podcast, and download the episodes from the search screen. Then the podcast is downloaded and you can play it from the My Podcasts screen. At least, that's what works on my iPhone 6. I just had a chat with an AppleCare rep and he was seeing the same thing, and we've opened a case with the iTunes folks.
  21. Oh, I see, I misunderstood. I did go to the podcast app, downloaded a FDR podcast from the store, and it seemed to work alright. And did you mean "the latter" in terms of not knowing that the FDR app existed? What was the device/version you were using, and what podcasts were not downloading properly? That would be helpful information for us...
  22. I'm not the author/maintainer of the app, but I just tried on my iPad (iOS 8.3 installed) and it worked fine. What device and version of iOS do you have?
  23. EOL IE!!! Let me know if/when you are ready to test/deploy.
  24. What version of Internet Explorer do you use? The board may not be compatible.
  25. I didn't even realize the publication date was not compliant. I'll add the seconds, though it's almost certainly going to be :00
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