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  1. "Based on Christos Tsiolkas's best-selling novel" It seems the american miniseries is a remake of a 3 year old tv series that was shown in Australia... I guess they dare to show it then, as it has been tested. Cool. Kind of.
  2. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." Edit; found it here: The cast is interesting. The guy that slaps has previously played the role of a couple of supervillains. And Spock. While it's cool that this didn't get pulled down instantly, I'm wondering, does it go into the topic of spanking though?
  3. Found stef through the early articles on lewrockwell: http://www.lewrockwell.com/author/stefan-molyneux/ When googling to find another article, there was a podcast where he was reading his own article. That's when I discovered the podcast. (Nowadays I'm mostly accessing the content via youtube.)
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