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J-William last won the day on March 29 2015

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  1. Even in a straight up system with no fraud they are still cheating because they've imported their base from 1965 hart-celer act. So from that perspective you don't have to respect a victory for Hillary. If a large number of people came to China over 50 years and voted to disposes the Chinese people of a country and change their culture and society to benefit non-Chinese and harm Chinese, they would be rightfully outraged. No difference for American people.
  2. Thanks for the education etwa I heard a recent Tom Woods show on the subject, but they didn't get into quite the same detail. It's especially interesting how quickly Milosevic turned around decades of indoctrination with a few weeks of nationalist propaganda. I think if the left didn't have such complete control of the propaganda levers their power would wane so quickly and they know it. I wonder if there's any solution that doesn't involve lots of people dying. On the Muslim side you have Isis killing people and in Europe the slow bleed of rape murder and terrorism. On the Christian/European side you have media suppression that likely won't even end when there's fighting in the streets... If there was an honest discussion, you might see a solution that minimizes violence and loss of life. I don't see that happening, especially with the US acting as the enforcement wing of the media and suppressing nationalist interests of Europeans until the Muslim invasion is complete. The only end I see is many bloody and lengthy wars to retake European countries over the next 20 years. And all of these movements will be branded as Nazi and "literally Hitler"
  3. Not entirely specific to the article you posted, but of course they were a farce. They prosecuted Nazis for crimes that the allies committed in similar or greater measures. The allies conduct (even excluding the ussr) was reprehensible in many ways during and after the war. Any pretense of "justice" being served in Nuremberg is really quite laughable. Justice would have included many allied commanders hanging with the nazis.
  4. I second that idea. What is the app built with? I am no pro with objective C but I would love to pick at it and improve some things.
  5. There seem to be three variations on Jewish political views in America. Lefty communists that push multiculturalism and globalism sometimes not 100% pro-Israel. I.e. Paul Krugman Right wing: former communists who are really interested in security of Israel and globalism. I.e. Bill Kristol and other neocons. Libertarians: anti-communists who are really interested in the safety of Israel and global free trade and movement. I.e. Ayn Rand. Did I miss anything? I don't think any of those categories are pro-Trump because he's explicitly anti-globalism, America first, and not communist.
  6. An counter that comes to mind is that Hitler had an explicit political philosophy that he wrote a book about and trump is a smart guy who saw a lot of problems with his country and thinks he can step in and do some good. I read his book and I don't really know what Trumps philosophy is.
  7. An interesting point for you to consider is that early in the 20th century japan sent diplomatic fact-finding missions around the world to gain knowledge about the freedom and economic productivity of the west, and that was one of the reasons that Japan was able to launch a serious war effort in WWII, and later to be a tech/innovation powerhouse. That's a lot of unknown unknowns in that question. First we don't know what lead to the events which allowed the west to build rockets that could fly a person to the moon. It had something to do with freedom, culture, IQ and technological development; the actual causation is hard to really nail down. Second, we don't know why china was moribund for two thousand years and when if ever they would have escaped it without western influence. (Also if you want to be pedantic I'm sure that given enough time something would happen, but there's no reason to suspect it would have been in the 20th or 21st century You might also ask the question of whether the industrial revolution could have happened in Ancient Greece. The short answer is "no", and the longer answer is "probably a better chance of that than of China developing space travel"
  8. I don't fear a collapse because I have options in the event of something bad like that, or say a major war... I'm not betting on that happening, so I haven't put much time and effort into preparing.
  9. I thought you were going to be making a point about people getting low skill jobs at McDonald's and being able to enter the workforce. That will certainly end soon as minimum wage goes up and automation takes over.
  10. What if there's no convincing needed? What if women actually want to be mothers and this single or working mother thing is all just propaganda and necessity? When the burden of the state is gone or diminished then people can afford to have a single income family. You're forgetting social pressures that would be brought to bear on people behaving in an antisocial way. Also don't go crazy with the career women that are making lots of money, actual single mothers that could be self sufficient without the state are so rare they aren't worth talking about.
  11. Ok after scanning the whole thread I think this part needs review. I have been on the board/ in the fdr community for ten years and people do not know each other. A lot of people drop in and out and just assuming that someone shares an interest in philosophy so they must be moral is abdicating your own judgement about these people. I have met a number of people through fdr, and few of them were people I want to be friends with.
  12. I agree, it could be the most interesting interview Stef has done. I feel like Donald would give surprisingly honest answers because he is not worried about the mainstream media. The likelihood he'd want to talk to an anarchist Canadian podcaster/youtuber are fairly low... And the MSM shitstorm that would follow for FDR would be truly epic and ugly. But that said I'm all for trying.
  13. Except that the people in the library are exactly the people they are targeting, i.e. The smartest and hardest working people that will be the wealthiest and have the most resources to steal. Oh and are likely the least racist and the least helped by "the system" people on campus. They could have gone to some party where a bunch of white people were drinking and wasting their time in college, but those people are going to be bartenders or baristas or behind bars... Something with bars anyway. Honestly I'd be surprised if they found any white people in the library, from my time in university I remember it being packed with Asians.
  14. Regarding tatoos and hair coloring; it seems there's pretty wide agreement on that. I'll just throw my own observation on the pile. an acquaintance of mine has tatoos all over her body and had bright red hair when I first met her. Since I have been pursuing self knowledge for many years now I was curious to see where this disfunction showed up and through talking with her I have gathered several further indicators. She says her childhood was rough and her dad was "tough", but has a great relationship with her parents. And explaining the tatoos she says that everyone where she's from gets tatoos and spends all their time in the sun getting cancer (except for those nerds in the library who I'm sure no one noticed). She claims to be into psychology and yet has shitty drunk friends around... I think it would be easy to look at someone like her and think she was an exception to the tattoos and bright hair = dysfunction rule. She's not overtly dysfunctional, she's friendly and nice enough, but she's erected quite a number of barriers to honesty and self knowledge in her life. If you were my friend and wanted to date her I would warn you away because I like to keep my friends. Regarding tatoos and hair coloring; it seems there's pretty wide agreement on that. I'll just throw my own observation on the pile. an acquaintance of mine has tatoos all over her body and had bright red hair when I first met her. Since I have been pursuing self knowledge for many years now I was curious to see where this disfunction showed up and through talking with her I have gathered several further indicators. She says her childhood was rough and her dad was "tough", but has a great relationship with her parents. And explaining the tatoos she says that everyone where she's from gets tatoos and spends all their time in the sun getting cancer (except for those nerds in the library who I'm sure no one noticed). She claims to be into psychology and yet has shitty drunk friends around... I think it would be easy to look at someone like her and think she was an exception to the tattoos and bright hair = dysfunction rule. She's not overtly dysfunctional, she's friendly and nice enough, but she's erected quite a number of barriers to honesty and self knowledge in her life. If you were my friend and wanted to date her I would warn you away because I like to keep my friends.
  15. Here in china I have seen a lady berate some guy for hitting his dancing monkey, but I have never seen anyone say anything about hitting a child.
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