This comment was left by the original video poster in reply to a user questioning her:
Sam and Nia
2 days ago
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I do not "hit" my children. I give warnings, I take the time to explain and ask questions, and I follow up with hugs, kisses, and I love you's. Symphony does not get spanked often....i would say maybe 1-2 times a week, and some weeks she doesn't get any. We utilize time out, grounding her from other toys, etc...but we do not shy away from spanking her if her behavior is deserving of it. She is a well behaved girl...she also knows when its coming...i don't surprise her with it as you mentioned your sister and the wooden spoon. I tell her "if you do that again, I will have to get my paddle"..sometimes she obeys, sometimes not. It's all a matter of what works for each household. What's REALLY important is that we are raising our kids for the Lord. I'm proud of that, and proud of my girl! God bless you, thanks for sharing your experiences and questions.
I emphasized the part in bold to show that she knows what she needs to say to confuse people into appearing reasonable. She specifically said in the video that she does NOT negotiate or try to listen to any explanation the child might have. This was the most infuriating thing to me because it demonstrates the extent of her self indulgence. She has no problem contradicting herself and expects people to be fine with it. She is so self indulgent that she just expects people to agree with her because she's cute, she smiles and acts confidently, and she speaks in pleasantries and cutesy phrasing.
I'm really starting to almost categorically assume that people have significant dysfunction and potential for harm the more physically attractive they are. By the way these people actually have a video titled "Good Looking Parents Sing Disney's Frozen that has over 13 million views