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MattK last won the day on December 30 2013

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  1. edited
  2. AWESOME. Totally gonna try come to this.
  3. I thought I'd share to get exposure - enjoy![View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rigV-nZTYNU][View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00QplRBXgMg]Thank you.
  4. Love it! <3 Thanks for this, Warren Farrell is great - definitely gave me food for thought, especially the failure to launch stuff - I can see that in myself.It would be great to have him on again some time, or a Sunday show call-in like you did with Daniel Mackler, that could be a fun format to try.
  5. It also applies to your bartender question. I don't understand the questions. Nathan is clearly drawning on an experience he's had that relates to this situation with donations. And you are asking the questions as allegory to explore Stef's motivations. The question "Do you think the bartender was saying this because he has found it to be an effective way to apply social pressure to encourage larger tips?" implies that Stef lies and manipulates to garnish larger donations, which is completely unfounded, unjust and a defamation of character - which falls more into the hate category than the rational discussion one... Am I misunderstanding you? Can you explain why you asked this question?
  6. No, that's not what I'm claiming. Where did I make this claim?
  7. 1) I'm not sure how you can't look at those facebook comments and see it as rational discussion. I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing the situation - how is it that I am? 2) I don't know what 'honing empathy' means.3) You might be right that there is a better approach to addressing the issue of small donations, maybe not! What I was addressing was the reaction people have had to this, and the strawmanning of Stef - and this issue occuring within the community in general. This is way more important and interesting than discussing the tactfulness of someone's post on facebook, which at it's worse would come down a laps in judgement, which caring people would react to with curiosity, not pickforks.4) Where are people idolising Stef as perfect? Where are you getting the idea that "people should idolise him as perfect"? Stef is human, everyone knows this - if people are projected things onto him, like perfection, it has nothing to do with him.5) I'm sure the motive of the barman could be either one of your possiblities you present, it would be based on the character of the barman. We know Stef's character, and therefore know the answer - so there's no need for the question. Which is why I take issue with the question being use as allegory, because it's an unfair one.
  8. I thing I find most puzzling (and also not so puzzling!), is why people spend so much time around and involved in a community, that they, in all intent and purposes, appear to hate? For example, the above 2 posts ask a question (and posits an analogy) that seems to lead us down a road, that Stef is attempting to manipulate his audience to get more money. Seriously - anyone who has listened to Stef and taken on the ideas here, and LIVES them, know that Stef is a good person and does not pose the qualities some people create about him. It's complete slander. And they've become the thing they say to hate.
  9. Also, props for examining this! <3
  10. Have you apologised to your child for being "tough"? And, by the way, it's essential to call things by there real name. "Tough" sounds awful euphemistic for something far worst, so, what does it mean?
  11. I think a postcounter isn't particularly important, but can be interesting to have as a feature on a forum. I really don't think it's something that is deserving of the gravity you might give it - but maybe I'm wrong! I think an interesting question would be, what does the postcount mean to you? You've mentioned that it "create preconceptions about the user", does it? And if it does, what's wrong with that? There maybe some correlation between number of posts and understanding of the ideas and workings at FDR and the forum, but they're certainly not a sole factor or a causal relationship. For example, I think it's fair to say that I understand the ideas at FDR well, but I have a low postcount. If someone has 2 posts, it is fair to say that the user is probably new to posting on this forum, or at least is new to posting with that account. If someone makes a false preconceived notice of a user based on postcount - it is the person, not the postcount, that is at issue. It's like saying rocks are the issue if a man mistakes them for a donkey. Given this; what is your history with people who have made false judgements and iillegitimate conceptions of you? Has this occured in your life? What was your experience of this? Thanks!
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