1) I'm not sure how you can't look at those facebook comments and see it as rational discussion. I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing the situation - how is it that I am?
2) I don't know what 'honing empathy' means.3) You might be right that there is a better approach to addressing the issue of small donations, maybe not! What I was addressing was the reaction people have had to this, and the strawmanning of Stef - and this issue occuring within the community in general. This is way more important and interesting than discussing the tactfulness of someone's post on facebook, which at it's worse would come down a laps in judgement, which caring people would react to with curiosity, not pickforks.4) Where are people idolising Stef as perfect? Where are you getting the idea that "people should idolise him as perfect"? Stef is human, everyone knows this - if people are projected things onto him, like perfection, it has nothing to do with him.5) I'm sure the motive of the barman could be either one of your possiblities you present, it would be based on the character of the barman. We know Stef's character, and therefore know the answer - so there's no need for the question. Which is why I take issue with the question being use as allegory, because it's an unfair one.