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  1. Hello good people of the world, I got into a discussion about a free society with a couple of guys my age whove never dealt with shitty childhoods, and their counter example to a free society went something like : No it wouldnt work because what if your neighbor doesnt buy fire protection, his house catches on fire, and then your house burns up as well. See, it CANT WORK!!! Im curious to hear how yall would have responded. Just to get inside their heads a bit, I replied with: well why doesnt the neighbor have it? Maybe you could help him out. Maybe you could go over and talk to him and tell him your concerns (them: No! Hes an asshole!). And then I got personal, "so would you pay for fire protection if you had a choice....uh yeah! It was the day before I moved to China, so I dont see these people on the reg, the reason Im asking is because Im writing a book about how violence is at the heart of our society and interactions, and then explaining how a free society would take care of all problems without the need for force, and a bunch of heads are better than one. Thanks guys Michael Ps, if anyone lives in Hong Kong or Near there I am moving to Shenzhen so please drop me a line!
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