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  1. Guest

    Thank God for Atheism

    There is a sign on a restaurant window that reads. "In God we Trust, all others pay cash." When it comes to U.S fiat currency, it should read. "In god we Trust, all others show collateral." The growth in United States statism is a cultist pagan religion disguised as nationalism. The fairy tales of George Washington crossing the Delaware river and turning the war around, of Paul Revere waking up and alerting colonists to confront approaching British troops and on and on is the stuff of Disney animation movies. It's also the stuff of Norse and Greek mythology, the difference being that the gods are human beings. Like any religion, no one every questions the gods. I had a colleague long ago who said. "We don't know why the U.S. government and military does some things, but may be it's because they know something that we don't, and that is why we can't understand their actions." This sounds like a blind faith trust in statism to me. Atheism is a nonbelief in God, or gods. Fortunately for those of us who believe in the God in the highest, we have an ally in atheists. Atheist, by definition, don't believe in the state because it too is a religion with human gods. I like Stefan's podcasts because through logical arguments, he exposes the evils in the state, like the way a culture dish exposes harmful bacteria. As result, Americans are starting to put down the flag and take notice of the causes of the problems in this country, or corporation known as the United States. This is a real service because identifying a problem begins the process healing, which is hope. The shortcomings of pure logic is although it forces people to confront the demons that they once believed were saints, it doesn't provide much in the way of solutions or answers. It leaves one enlightened but cold. I go to a Christian church and embrace weekly message as I do FDR podcasts. The difference being is that I come from church sermons with a warm, hopeful sign of what's ahead for me and mankind who take the path of virtue and righteousness. I believe the evidence of God's existence is in the miracles that abound in our world, which is taken for granted as nature's work. The miracle of how a embryo or seed can become a life and consider the evils of government exposed by the miracle of the internet which makes FDR and this blog possible. Man's enslavement by this wolf in sheep's clothing through the oxymoron alliance of religion and atheism is coming to and end. This joining of forces is a classic Stefan win-win case and a miracle in itself.
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